Friday, December 27, 2013

Real responsibility is freeing your self from the distortions of your past , that is of your culture’s warped expectations

Real responsibility is freeing your self from the distortions of your past , that is of your culture’s warped expectations and finding, appreciating as well as cultivating your unique powers while applying them to where is most useful for your as well as your culture's most powerful life affirming transformations.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The love for my children is so much.

The love for my children is so much. It is sometimes a struggle to slow down. To really slow down and find some peace, to resist being productive, constantly at the alter of organization and all that is expected and be the love that I have for them. To slow the current of this fast stream down and be with them. The current of responsibilities, ambitions, obligations, but being with them is what it is all about, I mean really being with them. That takes effort, awakening, constant follow through, patients, a commitment to discernment and the spirit of life to free one self from limiting mind sets that keep us so productive and stable in our daily business.

Friday, December 20, 2013

We are here to reify something in our selves that is us as well as the core of creation itself

We are here to reify something in our selves that is us as well as the core of creation itself. You will get much resistance. As you go forwards anyways life cooperates with you. The lightning of resistance, frustration, misunderstanding, no understanding, and unappreciation is faster than the thunder of coincidence, synchronicity, support, appreciation and recognition. The more despair you are in, the more bliss is awaiting you, the more you have to offer, even if it is not seen or felt yet .

Be with them

The love for my children is so much. It is sometimes a struggle to slow down. To really slow down and find some peace, to resist being productive, organized and all that is expected and be the love that I have for them. To slow the current of this fast stream down and be with them.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Relate to life in ways that work for you. If others do not value you, do not mistake their lack of perception as a reflection of you.

Relate to life in ways that work for you. If others do not value you, do not mistake their lack of perception as a reflection of you.

How do you relate to life and how do you refuse to participate in the evil of your times.

How do you relate to life and how do you refuse to participate in the evil of your times. How are you unlike the people that willfully deceive them selves and allow others to deceive them. The worse people hide behind degrees, licenses, the laws, certifications and very good references from very prominent individuals Some people let them self be lost, such never fought consistently enough for them selves nor hard enough, nor wise enough. They allowed them selves to be seduced by the conformity and deceptions of those that have become the tools of the status quo.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

T is not D yet and the karma of T is not the karma of C or D or D. Do not forget there is more to come. What is real on C is something else on F

T is not D yet and the karma of T is not the karma of C or D or D. Do not forget there is more to come. What is real on C is something else on F

We are all here to reveal this human potential to one another in our own unique way, through others and our own very frustrating limitations and destructive false perceptions.

We are all here to reveal this human potential to one another in our own unique way, through others and our own very frustrating limitations and destructive false perceptions.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Even the most so called high functioning educated emotionally adjusted people have gone through many emotional traumas.

Even the most so called high functioning educated emotionally adjusted people have gone through many emotional traumas. As a result, far too much of their consciousness and mind most of the time is not their own. How they relate to you reflects their anger towards their unfulfilling and torturous emotional states. If they want to change they have to make a great effort and deal with a great deal of uncertainty to get past the certainty of their pain.

The main thing to remember is that life is alive

The main thing to remember is that life is alive. No matter what pain you are in, what you are going through or in, life will give you perspective and a way as well as a current to push you, to guide you to and in the direction you are to go as to reify what is in your soul, which always increases what is worth wild to all.

less susceptible to the constant bombardment of false psychology.

The many levels of subtle and not so subtle social competition shown in T.V advertisements depicts more of how are minds and ways of being with one another are locked into unfulfilling measurements and arbitrary games then any standards we have. This happen because we allowed our selves to be more passive than active. What do you really value? Act on your self is the next stage of life. You have out grown false standards, false people, and now you are much less susceptible to the constant bombardment of false psychology.

T.V advertisements depicts more of how are minds

The many levels of subtle and not so subtle social competition shown in T.V advertisements depicts more of how are minds and ways of being with one another are locked into unfulfilling measurements and arbitrary games then any standards we have. All I can say is the less distorted you are, the more you are, the less of the fake you need and more of the real you have.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What do you want the ecology of your next incarnation to be

It is more than what you want your next incarnation to be? What do you want the ecology of your next incarnation to be? What system do you want to be in? What type of significant people do you want in your life? What type of culture do you want to be in and around? How do you want your environment to recognize while supporting the unfolding of your gifts, abilities and deepening sense of self, of destiny, of just being, which is enough, when you have the right environment that gives you the outlet to productively use your powers. Some time we have to make the outlet our selves.

Friday, December 06, 2013

Periodically let go of it self to really fulfill its higher functions

The ego is more than a collection of processes and strategies to deal with stimuli. The relationships of our ego with other egos in this world is more then are social networks, society and culture. We all are forces of creation that are expanding in this seemingly contracted state of being that we are in. The contraction and limitations of this shared state that we are in, this neck of the hourglass that we are going through individually as well as collectively is much more than its apparent external reality, with all of it seemingly impeachable facts, laws, accounts, testimonies and observations. One can’t help but to wonder does this starting over and this collective reemergence of ours give us increased vitality, a way of gaining, of knowing our self and others more deeply, more dimensionally, more profoundly. Does the soul attempt to know it self better by losing it self. Does our current state of being reflect this. Does our soul really gain by extending it self out into form so as to exists through this? Our ego is our most familiar waking state with it skills and processes, but this ego is one small peace of ice in the ocean of our soul, that is connected to seemingly endless amounts of oceans and or peace’s of ice. The irony is that once the ego reaches a certain state of maturation it must periodically let go of it self to really fulfill its higher functions. The healthy ego serves its source, the soul, the stunted ego usurps all identity for its self; in a healthy society there is a balance but the former prevails.

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Put what is most precious and important first

Have fun, enjoy, amplify but put life, put what is most precious and important first.

Have faith in the speed of God,

Have faith in the speed of God, slower than slow, faster than fast and always on time for you.

Children need is enough space to find their own way

What children need is enough space to find their own way. With real love, caring, wisdom of the parents constant reflective life as the port to come and go, they will discover the known an unknown of life, of them selves with all of its unique gifts and powers. Anthony Cavuoti. All Right Reserved 20011

So many tricksters going to tell

So many tricksters going to tell you the real truth about the insidious manipulative ways of our society, of the mind so you can free your self to live out their version of the truth and their agenda.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

My father was a bookie, no mat

draft My father was a bookie, no matter what is said, violence is part of such an up bringing, Pride, ego, and superficial understanding of anything deep, emotions are just on winning and losing, no gray. Ego masks as love; if there was love it was only for show or manipulation. Crazy queen of a mother that is a emotional wreck, could never get enough of things, enough of remolding, enough phonies in her life.

Storms of emotions from the winds

Storms of emotions from the winds of manipulation, arrogance, and deception might maroon you on the shores of past pregidous, hates, unfinished business with fools, which means move through it on your own and leave the fools that will not see behind.

Monday, November 25, 2013

There is no stopping life, the diversity of creation.

Too many people act as if hope is dead. Just look around, really look at how people treat each other in the office, on the streets;( read the papers, watch the movies, the news) so much pretense, hostility, arrogance, silent killings, so little kindness, patients, appreciation, understanding love and generosity. If people really had faith, if they really believe in their heart, in their depths they would not be this way. One of the first steps to end the insanity is to face our destructive desires, born and perpetuated out of a lack of love, lack of empathy, lack of courage, lack of sight. It all starts now. It all ends now. We choose every moment. Most of the time most are not aware that they are making such choices. For old patterns, many of which are imprints that were made on their mind and nervous system before they could understand language; this becomes their lens, that is they are unable to see past their habitual fixed ways of perceiving and reacting to the world. Yet we have dreams, intuitions, regenerative impulses, feelings, thoughts and there are many awakened people that have cultivated their higher faculties along with their emotional life, such enlighten individuals will have an affinity with you, and will in various degrees validate the emerging depths in you. To keep it alive and vital you will pass it along to other individuals that you genuinely connect to. You validate in them the real that others cannot and or will not see. This is how we make a diligent effort to go out side of are fishbowl and find are real source, higher desires, and calling. Most will invalidate you as well as your efforts. For the sake of what is substantial in you go forwards anyways. Once you feel the life of this life you may be hampered at times along the way but there will be no stopping you. There is no stopping life, the diversity of creation.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

When you are young you believe that you can change the world to a more fulfilling happier place because you have much more of a chance to obtain it

When you are young you believe that you can change the world to a more fulfilling happier place because you have much more of a chance to obtain it, the prospect off this expansion of life pushes many to dream the dream and to attempt to make real the better life, most of the time it fails because the young more than the others believe they can transcend the negative or overly restrictive frustrating established patterning by focusing on the new alone, they believe in the power of metamorphosis. What they come to see if they are not too discouraged is that they are setting the ground work for this transfiguration of such, this quantum leap in out cultural evolution to occur. Most end up failing, being disillusioned and thus unconsciously being guardians of the old.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

11 10 13 drift

Our society creates and sustains many enriching pillars that expands while enriches everyone in our culture, such as libraries, humanities, research, some forms of education, parks roads, sift and protection services, but it always encourages many process that are not in our best interest as well such a gambling, impulsiveness, over extending, such as shopping and, enflaming, indulging, hungers, are need to instant gratification through many of our foods, and drinks, both alcohol and not, as well as smoking. Impulsive sex sell them all, we are more than make to have fetishes for things and desirers, we are make to be a war with them as well. ( Such training of us to want instant gratification from are early years robs us of the chance to know our deep needs, and the patience to appreciate and cultivate are many of our subtle and unique latent powers and talents that will benefit our sociality so greatly) The sociality sciences attempt to figure such psychosocial phenomenon out and how they related to one another and instruct people on how to balances their appetite and impulse while are some markers research and perfecting the tools of both manipulating people to over indulging them selves much of the time with things that they might be better not being convinced that they need them. With healthy wiser people, both the individual as well as the market will increases in positive direction on solid ground. For now it seem that each individual is on there own as far not being to trusting and inpatient. All aspects of our mind our under siege both positively and negatively. To make real progress you have to have an ever increasing some understanding of your desirers, your self, your depths, your history and have clearly defined goals, otherwise your progress will be hampered by all of the crosscurrents that constantly surrounds you.

Monday, November 04, 2013

They add to society and one step and take away from humanity a step and a half

It is not that people only hear what they want to hear it is that they can only hear what reinforces and expands the trajectory that they are going on as well as their repertoire of cover up and self-deceptive processes. Most so call educated professionals are not better they just hide in more pseudo sophisticated left-brain cerebral processes. They hide in cerebrum. As a result they are more entrenched and invested in self and other deception. They add to society one step and take away from humanity a step and a half as well as from their children, more and more this is going on; all of us slowly poisoning our selves and humanity while making society more efficient, more superficially efficient, integrated and faster yet less and less of our depths, of our real core is seen, felt and experienced. Our soul, our depths, the deeper layers of our mind, more and more of our subjective self becomes mere appendages of the machine, of the system

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Put real depths

Put real depths, purpose, and caring over cleverness, pride and sophistication for its own sake.

You change the world for the better,

You change the world for the better, give others more opportunities for real life, you increase your soul, your being, and all of humanity as well as creation it self not just by going forwards with what you change positively in the face of seemingly overwhelming opposition, but by learning from past mistakes and frustrations while you renew, deepen and vivify your purpose with each set back.

You are more than what you realizes

You are more than what you realizes, we have to draw on creation, on God, on life more, too often we draw on past distortions of our self and reality made by those that are unconsciously invested in maintaining their arrogance and ignorance. Always go forwards with what is right for you and for life. Live in the open oceans and sun of your being, in the stars of other beings, not in the cave of family’s and societies sins, false ways of being based on false stability, or stability with lost of the best of your creativity, individuality, and purpose. Deepening, expanding, and give with more compassion, passion, discernment as well as generosity, of your timeless appreciation of the source, Of God, Of the light, into this changing world that you are influencing positively.
The big Questions of human purpose and the ultimate reality Match squirrely with what my book is about, what my story is about, what is creation why did reality come about, and what is its ultimate purpose, human purpose, how each of us is an unique interpretation of creation working in increaseing sophistication and complexity for more full reify our self in one other in increasing harmony while deepening our depth and being true deepening understanding of our depths. each person in my stry is dylexica yet they are seen as defishent and unaverage yet the are geneuoues with exception cogtion that infleced each other uncouensety and indeareses a but the as the come to apperted them selfves they appresheded one another more fully and

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Each day creation is fresh new and wonderful.

Each day creation is fresh new and wonderful. Creation begins and renews itself each moment. Creation awakens more expands, integrates more while all of its parts being more unique, is more sophisticated, more vivid, creation is more aware of, more alive to aspects of it self each day, taken us with it and we take creation with us as well. Creation never ends, only renews it self in a circle, going down and up but always forwards like a wheel. The same is true for us. by Anthony Cavuoti 2013 all rights reserved.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

To my future self now.

To my future self now. We are not bound by the collective deeds of our parents nor the collective sum of our genes, how we face death how we face life, over and over this single time says all.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Water your muster seed

Water your muster seed Sometimes you could feel so bad, so vulnerable even when you are moving ahead, saying good things to your self and focusing on past times you made it through and what you will do to make it through now. Sometimes we push, we stay focus, and are discipline, smart and actively push our self to feel it but still we do not as much as we need. At times our faith is the size of a mustered seed. Sometimes even when we do our best and every thing seems right we loose our self simply to find our selves more fully. Then we start doing once more what really matters to us. Now you no longer have to force your self to feel it, you are it. Doing activities that nurture our soul gives us the sustenance to endure all frustrations as well as more capacity with the ability to share this with more, for it intensifies and expanding our point of focus. We unintentionally shine brighter, lighter, hotter and wider on more. I am doing more than making a living, dealing with reality. I am writing now, I am good.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Return to Rome or some other time

We unconsciously live most of this life as if we are going to return to Rome or some other time, carnation. We perfect skills for other times. By Anthony Cavuoti 2012. All rights reserved.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

If you have parents that constantly invalidate you, disrespect you

If you have parents that constantly invalidate you, disrespect you. If it is that the more you add to society, your culture and your healthy sides the more they attack you emotionally, resent you. You have to let them find their way and make their own choice to stay where they are or be with you as an adult. Do not let them treat you as a child they are hostile towards, abusive towards, their blindness and indifference is no shield for them and for you. If you do not see this and protect your self from it you will continue it. You do not want to marry such ignorance, such blind hatred, to be with such willful ignorance and abuse. You do not want to become it. You do not want to pass such to the next generation. Nor do you want to be reborn into it. You do not have to be perfect, just try your best.


Acting on your wisdom consistently for your children goes far, you do not have to indulge in your cultures destructive tendencies. The former gets only the appearance of priority in most cultures the latter gets most of the energy and life, but little by little we end it, we put life as well as wisdom first.


Acting on your wisdom consistently for your children goes far, you do not have to indulge in your cultures destructive tendencies.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

We have powers, abilities, gifts that only we know of

We have powers, abilities, gifts that only we know of, if they are exposed prematurely to the wrong people they fade like mirages, but if we hold them long enough and receive the necessary validation from caring enlightened people they become a solid intangible that forms pillars in our souls that give us the tools and confidence to realize them, to create, to do something miraculous, never seen or done before. Parents need to be attuned to such unique gifts and abilities in their children, but all to often conventionality and the rush of daily life stops this from occurring. Parents have to appreciate such wonders, recognized them , to cherish them, to hold them and to nurture them into being, to be the midwife that give births to such dimensions of your children's soul, and not be an abortionist.

Every time you love

Every time you love, every time you show kindness, and wisdom, resist greed and ignorance you add to all life, to all humanity and spiritual dwellings of beings here and in future eternities.

Love is vast and great

Love is vast and great, more plentiful than the abundance of life; it is the source of all life. Most people care more for making money, finding a way by, a way that gives them security, that impresses others and gives them a sense of importance. It already found you, you have it, continue to work on it, stop trying to impress those that cannot and will not appreciate you. You are an archaeologies not a butcher. You add to life, to love. You are a love generator not a drain.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Miracles happen

Miracles happen. They have a way of turning all of your so called past failures into success, into the glory of God.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Those that seem solid in their arrogance on fixed and established ways will once again

We all are expressions of creation that is always changing, evolving, transforming in unexpected ways. Those that seem solid in their arrogance on fixed and established ways will once again find them self buried in the current of life for they only know how to survive on their small life sucking abusive niche. Go on with your self, with your projects, keep a save distance, protect your self but do not play their games and watch them fade. Anthony Cavuoti All rights reserved

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Of course they know of the unconscious biases even if the white jurors did not know that they were races or bias, they were. T

Why did the prosecution pick an all white jury? Of course they know of the unconscious biases even if the white jurors did not know that they were races or bias, they were. The trial was a show to make it look as if the system was seeking justice, it was just a game to put you to sleep again about the reality of a system that needs to be fair for all people, not just some.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Sometimes you have to look away from the distortions

Sometimes you have to look away from the distortions of what is, look away from the fragmented misleading manifestations and expressions of what is and into the majestic sky that is the source as well as the greatest expression of what is.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

out of the shame of being such of a complete failure in his fantasy role as protector, shoots and kills

A twenty-year-old male that is incapable of being a police officer that most 20 year olds could achieve. He takes mix marshal arts; he takes some law classes that are used for manipulation. He profiles and stalks a 17 year old, provokes a senseless confrontation, cannot deal with it and out of the shame of being such of a complete failure in his fantasy role as protector, shoots and kills a teenager. He takes cover in lies and in twisted versions of twisted laws in a backwards jurisdiction.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013


In my book Parraillity there are certain living patterns, living codes, like genetic codes that are similar to dynamically expanding languages, such dynamic patterns are souls, the endless varieties of souls. Each soul is a unique interpretation of the source of all, the living source. Each soul contains its own unique portion of the source. Souls interact and exchange with one another through patterns that expand and vivify them, hence new realities that are dynamic stratums, such realities emerge within the source to accommodate them. While in such stratum your reality appears to be outside of the source for they are new ways the finite dynamically unfolds the infinite. Our reality, our modern culture and society are one of these dynamic stratums. In this world people are seduced more and more into cyber reality, more and more people are coerced into it, believing that they will find meaning and fulfillment in it, hence the self-destructive dimension of our modern surveillance personal data mining manipulative world where we are seemingly willingly imprisoning our selves in while forming a new elitism and tyranny.

Our reality, our modern culture and society

Our reality, our modern culture and society are one of these dynamic stratums. In this world people are seduced more and more into cyber reality, more and more people are coerced into it, believing that they will find meaning and fulfillment in it, hence the self-destructive dimension of our modern surveillance personal data mining manipulative world where we are seemingly willingly imprisoning our selves in while forming a new elitism and tyranny.

In my book Parraillity there are certain living patterns, living codes, like genetic codes

In my book Parraillity there are certain living patterns, living codes, like genetic codes that are similar to dynamically expanding languages, such dynamic patterns are souls, the endless varieties of souls. Each soul is an unique interpretation of the source of all, the living source. Each soul contains its own unique portion of the source. Souls interact and exchange with one another through patterns that expand and vivify them, hence new realities, that are dynamic stratums, such realities emerge within the source to accommodate them. While in such stratum your reality appears to be outside of the source for they are new ways the finite dynamically unfolds the infinite.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

childhood abuse and the coverup of it

The Tony Soprano character represents many of the abusive ways men with strength, abilities and some dimensions of character, (bravery, courage, and follow through,) deal with pain, perpetuate their pain, their childhood abuse and the coverup of it and only appear to resolve their pain in more sophisticated and concealed ways. Yet in the end such emotionally blind individuals (predatory narcissist) find ways to even use therapy as a means to inflict abuse on others, their children and the world the way the religions of the world did and still do.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Non-verbal right brain intelligence

This morning I seen for my self Martin’s friend Rachel Jeante's testimony, on several occasions with out much effort she naturally blow the defense attorney away. Her naturel mind power conveyed the truth in away the defense attorneys court room interrogation tricks could not distort, they could not twist the power of her truth and perception, only later in the day did white arrogance journalist and side line attorneys twist what happened with editing. White people have a problem, with non-verbal intelligence and communication, that is right brain power that trumps left brain training. Non-verbal right brain intelligence it is free, it is real and it is more powerful then any degree and many arrogant elitist people (most of whom are white) will play the game as if such power does not count even though the science says otherwise.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

We are not machines, but to work in harmony, each of us is more like original music.

Real change happens, never on one level but on many levels. What makes change difficult at times is that we could use one level to hide, to talk the talk, to look as if you have changed, when in fact you have not. On the other hand one level is often a blue print for change, a map for change, a drive, and impulse, intuitions guiding us to change. . The trick is not to have all the levels work at once, we are not machines, but to work in harmony, each of us is more like original music.

Monday, June 17, 2013

How do we go forwards without these bonds of trauma? How to create and sustain meaningful connections without diminishing any of our vitalities?

For 99.7 percept of our history men have been fighting one another in groups and within groups to the death; women have been fanning the flame of this passion, no one is innocent except the children, all of which were exposed to this, they heard the war-cries and witnessed the abusive behaviors and were forced to believe it was the only way to salvation and the only way to survive was to be part of it, though they had mix intense emotions. How do we now keep the passion without the abuse? How do we go forwards without these bonds of trauma? How to create and sustain meaningful connections without diminishing any of our vitalities?

Saturday, June 15, 2013

shallow, superficial, meaningless

Most live shallow, superficial, meaningless lives; just running blind with the heard, their children are the only thing that is decent, that is not a slave to expectations and ignorance. The child owns the parent only his/her genuine love which you can never fake or force. The child does not have to love someone not-worthy of love, for you fools that refuse to grow past your abuse and the cover up, even worse those self righteous parent’s that marry their power while pretending it is work, this sort of parent that neglected their child and refuses to see it, which is far worse than any abuse and it is sanctioned my our culture. But the adult child feels it, Knows it, and does not pretend it is not so, so that he or she stays awake emotionally so as to break the cycle, of lies, deception and fake closeness.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

flying birds in the world of flightless birds

If you are bad at one thing or some things that people believe is essential such as reading, spelling, directions, people then unconsciously dismiss you, subtlety and nor so subtlety, conveying that you must be insufficient as a person for you lack what is needed to be taken seriously in anything serious. Paradoxically dyslexics are very powerful at other things, they are metaphorically flying birds in the world of flightless birds, or dolphins with tuna’s.

Sunday, June 09, 2013

The ocean is more than any oil spill.

The ocean is more than any oil spill. No matter how much ignorance you mistake as love you drill. If you where raise in a man made desert storm, It will take you awhile not to idealized and perpetuate the abuse for which you where formed. Your mountain is more than the fraction part of its base that is a quarry You will face your past and live your own story Find others that dare to be free, away from the shores of borderline narcissistic psychopathic, cover up. Into the glory of your soul. Into the life that is your soul of meaning purpose and sublime wonder, and real love.

Storing experiences

Storing experiences and retrieving them, using them in life, how you react to others in life. If you do not know how traumatic experiences where stored in you, you will not understand why at times you react as you do. You self will not know it self and the parts of you that are buried alive will cry out in pain until you pay attention to them. Sometimes people do not even know that they were traumatized, the collective denial of the family cover-up.
The characters in my book are unknowingly living parallel realities, the same life and reality but different, different aspects of the same reality, each character is directly are indirectly awakening and influencing one another to live out their share of paradise, that is why they and we are here. By making it real here we make it real there. We promised the light, God Life and our selves that we will do our best and get it right this time, somehow we end up thinking we are better or worse then the rest of others like us, but this time we not only remember the promise we made to life, we remember the traps here as well. Parrallity, By Anthony Cavuoti.

Friday, May 31, 2013

life is your real life

When every you have a raise in anger, outrage you are feeling the real, the real that society conditioned you through your upbringing to hold down and not to be aware of. You are also conditioned to displace it onto false targets. Hold it, feel it, be aware of your real, your pain it is leading you to your truth, your pain is your freedom to your power, to your joy, to your bliss, to your life. When every your surrender you give part of your self away and get life, surrender to the real. Find what is real for you what dares to be real. Life is your real parent, God is your real life, life is your real life.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

just be ready to deal with them very more intensely after this life

When you die, where do you think your emotions will go. If you do not face them, deal with them here, just be ready to deal with them very more intensely after this life.

too much if not most of entertainment and institutions are disempowering

We want to fall into a normal, a normal familiar pattern of stability, of security, but too much if not most of entertainment and institutions are disempowering, pretending to understand you and to assist you but exploiting you like a fool, like a colony.

Faith most real

Faith is what unfolds our blossoming back to creation. Our souls contractions from spiritual to finite (processes), our filter, reflects why we came here into matter. We are making paradise, potential new realities of God, of God's love and beauty real while going forwards in the resistance. Much of the time we face those that are lost and want to remain lost. Many are hiding in respectability, status, wealth and prestige.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A forgiveness day

In some dreams we relive our past, experience the lost, the collective abuse that was inflicted on us and the overwhelming emotional pain bordering on despondency. Parts of us see it now, what we only had vague intuits of than, from our wiser, more experienced and sympathetic adult side. Levels of our awareness, of our increased consciousness, our experience see it all anew, the more wisdom we gain in the years, not so much wealth, pleasures, or fame, but wisdom, the more clearly we see with understanding eyes, mind heart and soul. The judgment is an understanding day. A forgiveness day of you self to you self. It still hurts some but you go on with your next day, your next life. Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved.

Monday, May 27, 2013

You are not letting them die, they killed them selves

Some people always want to expand their power, well, power for its own sake without real depth and understanding is bad ego, such loss their infinite self in their finite self, they are psychopaths that hide, hide from them selves and from you as business partners, bosses, spouses, and so on, they are bad programs. Ego possessed people passing as well meaning will not change with reason, reason is not a means to the truth but for them a means to hide. Love, and attachment for them are weapon to be used for their increase of power, such people really do die while they are alive, you can not save them from them selves, they have to put life and loved over power which they will not do or face. You are not letting them die, they killed them selves.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

right way, without abusing the abuser

When you take abusive ways from someone the right way, without abusing the abuser, but through firm persistence enlightened persuasion, that is love. That is therapy done right as well.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

When you love, when you give because you want to, not because you have to, that is love

When you love, when you give because you want to, not because you have to, that is love; that is real, its distortion is ego. The ego is a construct born from our immature but vital depths, a collative distortion gone mad, it needs to be updated, it is no more the center of us than the earth is the center of our solar system, if you do not swear by it and our collative ways of overly identifying with it and exploiting yours and others you will be banished as a heretic.

Such create their own new births to a higher ecology of carnation

Some are born into an environment that cherishes and nurtures their unfolding individuality enough where they are able to cultivate the capacity, faculty, the facility to be objective enough to see it is not them but the ignorance of others lack of God that acts out, that allows evil to have rain, they do not take others satinizing them personally, they find their way back on course, back to the path, back to God. Such not just create their own new births, they also are part of the creation of a higher stratum, ecology of carnation, of incarnation, they are part of the resurrection.

Some are born into an environment that nurtures their unfolding individuality

Some are born into an environment that nurtures their unfolding individuality enough where they are able to cultivate the capacity, to be objective enough to see it is not them but the ignorance of others lack of God that acts out.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

and exploited while the healthy and profound aspects of us this minimized

The self-destructive parts of us that are augmented out of miss attunement, and neglect, they are greatly amplified and exploited while the healthy and profound aspects of us this minimized, dismissed and invalidated. In therapy, the trick is no trick it is to reverse this process. But this in limited. In real relationships the mystical aspect of us come alive in very day life, all obstacles are ways of releasing the miracle of being. Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I woke up and I was there

I woke up and I was there. Everyone was what they where meant to be. There was a natural harmony to it all. It was as if all the newborns chose the perfect incarnation for them selves with the assistance of a very attuned compassionate wise and daring counsel. There was a beautiful harmony to the unfolding process. We naturally have this latent faculty in us, to create a world, culture(s) and society that can accommodate us all. Our fears, programing and conditioned reflexes have turned into compulsions. The lower levels have turned on the higher levels to dismiss such of an incipient reality as not attainable, as fantasy, whish full thinking, yet it is just as real as the air that sustains us. I fell asleep and I am back here writing of this place.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

When Jesus went to Jerusalem

When Jesus went to Jerusalem for almost certain death did people say he lost it, he is crazy, no, (only the lost said yes) Jesus had enough of the **** and knew what he must do, do you. Do you want to be a fool for Rome all of your life. To really have life within you must say no to Rome and yes to your soul, to Life to God, to the light, to sanity, All rights reserved


We all get deeper into life and deeper into the renewed life we falsely call death, which is us setting the way for our next life in our midlife.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

All Heroes for the past 100 years are false adds for a false reality, for false perceptions, for false ways of being.

All Heroes for the past 100 years are false adds for a false reality, for false perceptions, for false ways of being.

What did you come here to see

What did you come here to see? What did you come here to be, what did you come here to do? Most of the so called experts on psychology, of adolescence, childhood, adulthood, midlife old age, of marriage simply explore as well exploit as they show how are way of living, our society is failing us, how we can not go on pretending.

Monday, May 13, 2013

You do not honor life by perpetuating misperceptions

You do not honor your father, your mother, your family, your loved ones, your past by perpetuating their misperceptions of life, of you. By taking, their abuse, intentional or not, not pretending it is all right. You only truly honor them, honor life, honor your children, God, life and your self is my straitening out the path they attempted, making a path if need be that allows life to walk upright to were it knows it must go, not to were it is push.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fill your dream maker of a heart

Fill your dream maker of a heart with your real dreams, your alive dreams. You will grow past the limitations of your painful past and into even more real dreams. All rights reserved 2011


My mother was always open about her hatred of my grandmother. It was an intense and immense hatred. This seemingly boundless hostel anger loathing extended to my father’s father as well, my grandfather. This seemingly boundless hatred for one another was palpable. What made it even more scathing was the fact they we all lived in the same house, my mother, father later my sister on the second floor. My grandmother and grad father on the first floor. Now it seems strange to me that my father never did anything about their hatred, how he found a way to resign himself to such of an intolerable situation. Back than it was just how it was, my mother hated them, so that is how it was. Copy right. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

We did not travel through universes of time simply to be well-adjusted good consumers

We did not travel through universes of time simply to be well-adjusted good consumers. Sometimes our intense feelings are life crying out for us to come back to our selves. To find, to cultivate and cherish like minded people and endeavors. To make your own niche, to make your life more your life, reality more reality. More of a reflection of our depths not a distortion. Some people reflect some part of you for a while, others are more of a fun house reflection more and more. Parrallity Copy Right

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The things we do affect our children.

The things we do affect our children. It is amazing how much people are in denial of this. Our children feel our peripheral life even more than are daily image we project out to the world. What we do in our depths, in our heart matters more than the momentum of the past we believe we must sustain to get by.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

What we are and what we pretend to be

What we are and what we pretend to be. As Ernst Bloch once said, S is not yet P. There is how we imagine we are, how we intuit we can be, and there is how we really are and, or, patterns that we are caught in that keep us locked or are pulling us downwards. The more we see what is real while striving for our transcendent self the more of an upward pattern we free our selves in.

Monday, April 22, 2013

miracle in a sometimes unfavorable and conflicting environment

Being there to support the unfolding of the miracle in a sometimes unfavorable and conflicting environment; awakening the depths, strengthening and reshaping you while making a path on the surface not only for you but for many others.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

We promised the light

We promised the light, God Life and our selves that we will do our best, get it right this time, somehow we end up thinking we are better or worse then the rest of others like us, but this time we not only remember the promise we made to life, we somehow recall the traps here as well that is why we will get it right. The pain of our strange recall puts us back on track.

Friday, April 19, 2013

two realities in the distant future

In my book there are two realities in the distant future, in one of them, reality is real, people live out their depths in such of a way that their needs are fulfilled in the other pseudo reality people are objects to be used, they lost their way, their depths as well as their real desires. If you wake up in any point of your life, not only do you live the first reality of reality for you but for all of your lives to come as well as for all humanity that dares to be real to life. Of course you will have to struggle against overwhelming ignorance, arrogance and powers seemingly much greater than you, but by going forwards anyways you help set the way to be real in what is real, this reality, your soul, your mind, your real desires and pleasures as well as real security are worth the risk.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Each time is the same yet different

Each time is the same yet different. Each time is more in many ways, more of what I want to save. My children made it the best. Love, is better than glory, true life, real love is better they any story.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

With all that we are we live eternity now

With all that we are we live eternity now, the some total of all experiences of man’s with our own, we life it here in moments, and again in a new life, and in other new lives, each one being our only life. Anthony Cavuoti Paralytic copyright

Thursday, April 11, 2013

We all are unique expressions of God

We all are unique expressions of God, we are learning to relate to Life and God in our own unique way while adding to the collative ways of things we have to constantly negotiate with, for better or worse, still we add to it in our struggles that we do not always see the results of.

Monday, April 08, 2013

I start to get into trouble when

While I take my work seriously while being grateful as well as humble things go mostly right, most of the time, I start to get into trouble when I start taking my self to seriously, I rely on my ego which leaves less room for God and miracles, until God gets my attention again.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

We live, we live

We live, we live, we live, even onto death, past it and through it, we live. When I was younger I thought it, the next existence was this sphere of light and love, we could go into it, a transfiguration, but instead we swirl around it like stars around a galaxy, slowly being drawn to it. Each world and life is more perfect as we collectively make are way to this great unknown, within the unknown.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

I will not mistake your narrow mindedness

I will not mistake your narrow mindedness and misunderstandings as a misperception of mine, your deficiency as my limitations, your ignorance as my lack of, no matter how much of the seemingly overwhelming collective ignorance and pseudo experts are behind it.

I will not mistake your narrow mindedness and misunderstandings as mine

I will not mistake your narrow mindedness and misunderstandings as mine, your deficiency as my limitations, your ignorance as my lack of, no matter how much of the collective ignorance and pseudo experts are behind it. Anthony Cavuoti Copy Right.

my heart yearns

We are all so lovely and wise, but having to survive, stay afloat, flourish we put a great amount of energy into lower levels, in fact we apply our higher levels onto our lower levels, if you do not do so you are considered neglectful, not taking care of business. So much of my life I have been guilty of this, yet as I take care of business more of my heart yearns for more of the innocent ways of putting truth, kindness above all.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

I simply was tired of the draconian way of life

I simply was tired of the draconian way of life, it was not that I did not excel at what I did, it is not as if I did not have the confidence and respect of my peers, for I excelled in my relatively high position with competence, it was more that my feelings, my dreams, yes, my dreams kept telling me of a better life, a more fulfilling life. Could you understand, I somehow knew there was more to life, to me than this sterile, repetitive program, this pseudo sophisticated, pseudo enlightened, pseudo human way of being that masks our core, which is the life well spring, the fount of all lasting fulfillment.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Do not be intimidated by bureaucratic fools

Do not be intimidated by bureaucratic fools with a little power. Their indifference is only match by their ignorance. Such are fools that are arrogant in their indifference.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The force of being of existence.

A real moment of love, of tenderness, is larger than, has more power than all of the dark matter of the universe, more than any stars and galaxies, know and unknown. To God, to creation, love is the gravity, the force of being of existence.

We are co-creators with Creation

We are not only helpless children of creation; I believe that on some levels we choose to come through it that way, Like a contracted spring. God, Creation which is the creator of all creation has many sides, each of us is a reflection of an eternal unique portion of creation. We are co-creators with Creation itself, in our life, in society and in the dying, being and rebirth process.

Friday, March 22, 2013

God guides each of us in a unique way.

God guides each of us in a unique way. What might seem absurd to some people or groups make perfect sense to others for it leads them to their strengths as well as their higher destiny.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

mistaken as love

One of my clients told me today about the terrible abuse she experienced from her boy friend. As well as the ways she emotionally abused him. The destructive dance of fury punctuated by moments of passions they mistaken as love. Later that day I heard a child of about one and a half years old cry out from a church parking lot next to my apartment, his mother was yelling at him, then she spanked him on the bottom, then she picked him up and he melted into her. She is his world but the violence on many levels was done. No wonder why emotions, feelings, violence and love become interfused and later play out so destructively.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

loving embrace

We travel through the universe from place to place in a loving embrace.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Are longings

Life and Death, the experience of both transforms all of creation. Are longings at death transform not only are life, our soul, are next life but all of creation, (that includes society and culture) into a higher, freer, more humane more loving, creative, lighter, more vivid realm.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

What really matters is how many levels

As people, as beings, evolution is the collective strivings of our species, it is the some average of our collective strivings. What we have, what we share we share for our self and the collective striving of our species; sometimes it becomes reduce to its lowest common denominator, its base line level. Nevertheless, we are more than that, though paradoxically to some degree which is constantly fluctuating we are it and a great deal more. If we act on the baseline then we are reincarnated into the base line, not so much if we act, thinking is an act but how we act, lower begets lower, higher, begets higher. It is not really so much of a matter of which level, what really matters is how many levels, integration, and progression along each level.


Today, my son and I went on the treadmills, the first time we ran together at the gym. He is thirteen years old, fore the most part he ran twice as fast as me and almost twice the distance. Most people I am very competitive with, but the joy to be out done by my child, my son. I am so prod of him. When I see, experience him experiencing something good for him, something that could become a life enhancing habit, it feels so very good.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

When something is bothering you

When something is bothering you, some say do not dwell on it, though if is demanding your attention, others say stay with it though you are obsessing on it, I say balance. If you do not think about it and feel it, you will not gain from this opportunity to grow and be stronger, wiser, if you get overwhelmed by it you will not be able to digest it and grow from it, push your self but not to hard to go with life, let your soul, let life give you the answers you need, deal with the tension, do not let your ego dictate to you, allow your self, your mind, your soul and your spirit to guide you to the more self, the more real self you are giving birth to. Life will currest you back to peace.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The heart is lager and greater tan the mind

The heart is lager and greater tan the mind, the mind is a byproduct of lack of trust, lack of life, lack of acting on real life and choosing to pretend to be greater than the focuses that created and sustains us.

Life is alive

Life is alive, creation is alive, and everything expands from that. Everything is because of that, everything eventually healing and falls into place because of that, everything is the result of that. You only see it fully, clearly through real love and daily struggle to deepen your meaning.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Miracles are a byproduct of many things

Miracles are a byproduct of many things, the main one being love, the more you know the person, the more you love, the more you know your self, the more you love. The wiser you are, the more you love. The more you go through, the more you are, for your self and for others. I do not have to tell you the rest.

Most are prisoners in their limited perceptions

Most are prisoners in their limited perceptions, many are bullies, abusers, trying to rap them selves in a cause to free them selves from the abuse they did to others. Most do not face it; they only become more indifferent and inflict more, on others, without even knowing it. Find me someone that is miserable most of the time and I will show you some one that is hiding from their sins.

A lot of the times

A lot of the times people take pride in their indifference, in being indifferent, the problem with that is that you become indifferent to yourself, to others, to life, to your emotions, to your accomplishments, all this happens without you really noticing it; your indifference.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

God is an experience

God is not a thought, God is an experience that we had before birth, and will have after birth, connecting with God in our own way is what keeps us true to this experience, judgment day is what we will experience of our self as we re-experience God purely once more.

It is more than getting what you want

The ability to make miracles happen, for life to go in accordance with your depths, that is real to you in God, does not serve only you it is for all humanity. It increases your responsibility; it does not make you carefree nor make your burden lighter, in fact in makes life harder, yet you are stronger for now you identify with what really endures, To the degree you are true to this is the degree to which you are at more in peace with your soul and with God.

Susceptible to the God’s grace

When we see life with clarity from the purer, wiser and more vivid aspect of our depths, that is not an ego state or any psychological phenomena, such an event is an byproduct, a real yearning for the real, the soul’s way of moving towards being real with it self, within it self while being here in this life. The soul has matured, more able to face the light, that is God is calling us. We have made our self susceptible to God's grace.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

they see it and work hard not to be it

For the past 30 years I have work with many people that where abused as children, even worse than abuse is neglect. Our minds formed out of this abuse, this neglect; it becomes part of us. Once the lights are on and you see it, many people change, they see it and work hard not to be it, you no longer identify with the forces that shape shaped you, abused you. . Sadly many destroy the light, and willfully remain in the dark where they abuse others as they where abused.

Do you have to

Do you have to f*** me up as you were f**ked up so that I will understand you. Will you face your own truth and pain so as not to use me as your legal scapegoat and past the abuse, the evil to the next generation.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I noticed that if someone was abused and or neglected as a child

I noticed that if someone was abused and or neglected as a child as an adult they study psychology, literature a great deal as well as the manipulative arts, public relations sales, marketing, accounting. The first group to find the truth, about what happened to them and other group to cover the truth up and protect the abusers, the child that they were, the victim that they are from seeing, from facing the cover-up of their past that messed up their life.

what it is;

The water level is what it is; words, arguments, nothing will change it. Artificial methods only last an instant in the time of nature, of life. How do you feel when you are with someone? How to you act, How does life treat you afterwards? If it is bad, worse, they are bad for you. Do not exchange the artificial for the real.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Each of us is a miracle

Each of us is a forever expanding, connecting, vivifying, reifying miracle in their own way, we all are, it should not take a miracle to learn how to appreciate the miracle of what we convey, of what we are. Of how lovely and powerful each of us is. How much we affect each other lives’ in meaningful ways.

We are life, love, miracles, masked as issues

We are life, love, miracles, masked as issues, as over doings, under doings, as at time just right. Keep going forwards, somehow, the some how being with God, we will find our way together, make our way together, be our way together.

Friday, February 01, 2013

Professional sports are the modern plantations

Professional sports are the modern plantations. Well you say the African American players are rich. No most end up losing all or most of their money; they where treated as objects all of their life. They are free to leave you say. To what. Everyone kept them so focus on sports. Some are rich and keep their money. They are the limping advertisements for the plantation owners to recruit, children, teenagers, young men from the narcissistic fathers, the greedy mothers that uses their children like animals to be fools for their sick needs, and for others with little to focus on, modern plantation owners give them, the young from despair false hope, to be used as peace’s of meat, to dream of being players on TV to escape from their painful environments instead of what they really might excel at, science, doctors, engineers, architects, teachers, researchers or parents that do not abuse.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Coming to this life through a pile of

Coming to this life through a pile of Some men, some women, no most are so caught in the stupidity, in the abusive ways of their emotionally stunted parents. Some new borns are going to be subjected to these ignorant fools all of their life. Such poor retches will believe they must honor this sh**. That their salvation depends of such Sh**. It would have been better not to have been born. What miserable brave souls? Abortion is an act of mercy for such.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

beyond anything we know we are

We are great beyond anything we know we are. We use God, and God uses us as well to help others in ways we do not imagine, fully see, or appreciate. God loves us as we are, but God really sublimely loves us as we allow our selves to be love in God, in our defective misguided but divinely guided ways, while be believe, dream, struggle, work, pray and try, fail, succeed.

Be the world, the life that you want to die to, to be born into

We are world shakers, shakers, life shakers choose bravely, deeply, what is real to your depths, what you believe in, stand for the truth, the longings, the life that you know is real behind the curtain of dying masks. Rid your self from their ignorance, the arrogance, the evil, the buffoonery, the blindness, the self-worshipping from those of your past. Be free, Be real, be vital, be alive, real in life, in your soul. Only selfish people try to make you feel guilty, selfish. Be the world, the life that you want to die to, to be born into, live in. Be it, become it. Some people I never want to share any part of my life with again. I move past this pain of fools playing god. Looking forwards to new people, as well as the self I will be without being contaminated by their evil masked as family, as friends, as lovers, as education, as caring, as importance, as duty, a salvation, as race, as good, as love.

Be the world, the life that you want to die to, to be born into, live in.

We are world shakers, shakers, life shakers choose bravely, deeply, what is real to your depths, what you believe in, stand for the truth, the longings, the life that you know is real behind the curtain of dying masks. Rid your self from their ignorance, the arrogance, the evil, the buffoonery, the blindness, the self worshipping from those of your past. Be free, Be real, be vital, be alive, real in life, in your soul. Only selfish people try to make you feel guilty, selfish. Be the world, the life that you want to die to, to be born into, live in. be it become it, some people I never want to share any part of my life with again. I move past this pain of fools playing god. Look forwards to new people, as well as the self I will be without being contaminated by their evil masked as good, as love.

Monday, January 28, 2013

slow down so as to see it and apply it

We all are creation, the uncertainty of our existence is the uncertainty that we collectively agreed up on some levels from which we knew a great deal more, and now that we have been through it we know better now. Now we set forth on new adventures. To be real with your self, with your depths, you have to do what is needed for your self to be vital as well as to slow down so as to see it and apply it. We can never undo all of the pains and frustrations from the past that formed our developing, adaptive minds here. Pain, frustration, ignorance, lower levels are faster here than wisdom, slow down, reflect, regain your balance your center, your composure, your self, slow down without falling asleep. Fit your self into rituals of vitality that keep you running without being trapped in them.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

eternity and infinity

We may get locked into certain limiting games and contingencies for a while but are minds like our souls are infinite energy systems; they encompass eternity and infinity.

Perfect yourself in some of the legitimate ways of striving

Perfect yourself in some of the legitimate ways of striving. Do not mistake winning or being the best as perfecting, as making progress are steroid culture taught us to see beyond that deception.

Create a virtuous cycle

Create a virtuous cycle in who you are, in how you carry your self, conduct your self, in all that you are, by doing so of course of obvious benefits of discipline and congruence but you also summons deeper forces of creation that might never be understood. Do this as much as you can with love, kindness, morality and reflection and life will add to you as you add to it.

New ways to know one another

When we die it is over, but the soul's life of life goes on for an infinite existence, still most of us return to be born right here on earth or in some worlds in some other universes that are very similar. Most will continue their destructive abusive patterns. For what, for more way for the races to abuse one another, yes to know one another and love one another. New ways to abuse each other, yes and knew ways to care for one another, as well as to appreciate one another.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

You are a very powerful force in the universe

You are a very powerful multidimensional force in the universe clothed in your life now.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

We are shedding the false perceptions of our selves

We are shedding the false perceptions of our selves that we were tricked into mistaken as our self in this metrics we call reality. As we gain ourselves through the stirrings of our depths that we act upon in creative acts and works we free our selves and reality is more of a reflection of our depths and not of the false currency we call real. But these are words, only words, God is always with us, we do not see it all now, but we will. Still we intuit it, this is one of Gods many real gifts to us, much wiser that all the experts and brilliant leaders of human nature.

All that we have is our faith

All that we have is our faith. We have faith in our body, in our mind, in the working of the world, some. But ultimately it is our faith in our selves,in love ones in the universe, in creation in God that we hold onto through it and to it.

Emotional life

Is your emotional life a puddle, a pond, a lake, an ocean? When a bolder hits it does it displace everything? Do you move with the world or around the world, does a storm affect all of you or a part of you? Are you deep, do you create as well as sustain an ecology of life?

The rest is consolation

Do you get horny when you’re angry? Do you get horny when you’re depressed? When you are shamed. When you’re scared. This reflects how you where really treated as a child, the atmosphere where your emotional life was formed. The Body can not lie. Feelings reflect this. We are made to connect sexually out of a desire for closeness, for union, for giving of your self fully. The body draws us to the closeness, to the bliss of pure being.

You are in heaven

If you have people in your life that you love, You are in heaven. If you have any of your senses, see, hear, touch, taste, you are in heaven. If you cherish children in your life or if you ever did you are in heaven. If you can breed you are in God and God is in you, you are in heaven. When you recognize, when you know heaven here you well know it when you past into it once this portion of your life is over. Do not pass through it, know it now. Make the effort, dare. Anthony Cavuoti 11/21/13

Saturday, January 19, 2013

I die a little but live a lot.

The best of sex is when we surrender while being, for me, to her, by doing so I surrender to life, to her being, her dreams, her drama, to her abuse, to her love, to her tenderness, to God to life. Never am I more active, more potent, more alive, I die a little but live a lot. Parrallity

One of the things wrong

One of the things wrong with our country, perhaps all of western civilization is that we think educated people have the answers for us and that we can not compete with their premises they call facts or reality. Premises that were made in ridged systems. Education is great; it stretches as well as expands the mind out of some outdated mindsets; paradoxically what it also does is narrow ones focus into perspectives and or a dogmatic outlooks on things one mistakens for the rest of their life as reality and the truth. A dogmatic lens of any kind forever blocks one from seeing new things, new insights, as well as the truths that are very obvious to people that where not interfered with. Educated people might have a mastery of one small aspect of their field but loose the big picture. They possess too much ego, to much anxiety to stand-alone and too little abilities to integrate the information of other fields. What is needed is rational thinking and informed people. Such people will use the laws, information, new discoveries and the system not only for their own self-interest but for their country as well.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Find ways

Find parts of your life that you are passive about that are not giving you satisfaction and find ways to be active about.

Miracles really do happen

Miracles really do happen; I am not talking abstractly or metaphysically. I was doing very poorly in high school, then one night the vision of my book Parrallity came to me, it gave me the confidence to share my ideas as well as my story with my teachers. They shared my ideas and story with professors, which in turn assisted me in into getting into a great college despite my very, very, very severe dyslexia. Now I am doing well in my profession. Many Blessings and Miracles to all that read my Book.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

God works with all of us in very unique and person ways

God works with all of us in very unique and person ways, that is why we are prone to be superstitious at times. God is still perfect and is working perfectly through us even when we are not.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

continents of your self

Deal with life’s annoyances on the continents of your better sides, of your self, of your soul, of your wisdom, not on the narrow one-way bridge of the worse part of your ego. Anthony Cavuoti Copy right

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

If your past remains’ repressed or suppressed

If your past remains’ repressed or suppressed, and you do not face, feel, and reclaim your self from it, you will forever be reliving the past in the present without even knowing it while projecting your past into others so as to avoid it. This is sad, very sad. If you have enough faith in your self, in life and in God to face your past you will really live life instead of constantly reliving the past.

Monday, January 07, 2013

No matter where you are I am always with you.

No matter where you are I am always with you. 

When you are lost, I have you.

When you are apprehensive, I comfort you.

When you are uncertain, I am solid.

When you are alone, I am with you.

When others slander you and persecute you I cherish you.

 I do not judge you. 

As you come closer to me you free yourself from the vanities and illusions that you mistaken as real.  

Sunday, January 06, 2013

You are not responsible for the feelings and emotions outside

You are not responsible for the weather outside but you are responsible for finding a way to deal with it; the some is true for your feelings, emotions and attitudes.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

behind you

 The present, and future is clearer when what behind you is illuminated .