Saturday, September 21, 2013

Water your muster seed

Water your muster seed Sometimes you could feel so bad, so vulnerable even when you are moving ahead, saying good things to your self and focusing on past times you made it through and what you will do to make it through now. Sometimes we push, we stay focus, and are discipline, smart and actively push our self to feel it but still we do not as much as we need. At times our faith is the size of a mustered seed. Sometimes even when we do our best and every thing seems right we loose our self simply to find our selves more fully. Then we start doing once more what really matters to us. Now you no longer have to force your self to feel it, you are it. Doing activities that nurture our soul gives us the sustenance to endure all frustrations as well as more capacity with the ability to share this with more, for it intensifies and expanding our point of focus. We unintentionally shine brighter, lighter, hotter and wider on more. I am doing more than making a living, dealing with reality. I am writing now, I am good.

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