Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We do not die

We do not die, instead we live a discontinuous existence. This life here, my body, my thoughts, memories, feelings, what I am physically, once this is over it is over. Anything else is just an allusion. When we die it is over, nothing is going to recreate us, make us again. Restore us to what we are. It is over the end. No more. End of story. Final curtain. The dirt sleep. Or is it.

Could not resonances of this life carry over to our next life, be with us in the after life, in the life between llives. Could it be a process analogous to dreams? Could parts of your life continue in another existence after death in the same way aspects of you continue in your sleep, to different degrees. Part of your life as a child continues periodically when you dream at night, parts of you as a young man and or woman continue in your dreams. Images and deep connections you have with creation and or the divine, depending on your perspective, continue when you are dreaming. Though you are not you, you are you, brought to life again.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

It is a beginning, of the beginning.

To live and die and to love again, it is a beginning, of the beginning.None existence is infinity, is eternity, of infinity to eternity.But in this you are, and once you are, the deeper you are, the more you are forever more, of awakening, to infinity, to eternity The cycle is again, ever more, of your infinity, of your awakening to your eternal now, through out finite, through out infinity.

It is a beginning, of the beginning

It is more than what is on ink

The shock at the end, it is your friend; it will awaken you to be again. You will see through the veil, Yes your anxieties and fears will fade away, death is a form of play, some came here to runaway, others to pay, the price for seeing paradise or nothing another way. Our death is a thrill, all desires fulfilled, weather you are the worse of sinners or the greatest of saints. But you will be reformed by how you perceive weather or not you believe, what you did cultivate will still propel you as you relate to existence of none-existence-on the other side. Forget about karma and dharma, and we are more than the resurrect, there is no judgment day only another way, your longings create what you will be again. There is no hell, only degrees of well, there is no pain, there is no shame, there is no blame, no more illusions to maintain. It is pure consciousness, individuality, harmony and peace, with currants of bliss, love surrounded by souls you know well of degrease of color and light, complimenting each other while brightening the light, you might want to stay in this delight, but you just might, want to expand the light, so you and your circle create darkness from your depths, of what could be, of what is in you that dares to live, that dares to shake creation again, so we light our night, our dark depths that our out of light, that is us here on earth all right.


Every one has a unique core, they have powers that are outside the realm of evolution, in fact this power is not just the director of their life but of evolution and creation itself. Another way of looking at it is that every person has the ability to make miracles happen.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

From God to God once more

In deep peaceful sleep and death we are with God. We are the fish, God is all great lakes and oceans and we peacefully exist in him.

In this life others needs of us awaken us from sleep.

In death other souls, loved ones and worlds might enchant us to go out down a stream, or river, away from gods center, away from our home, out of the lake and that life will be just as real as where we are now. From God to God once more.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Working on one's soul is truly alchemy.

Working on one's soul is truly alchemy. The dreams come to me as nightmares, but as I give them form and refinement they reciprocate the effort back to me, transforming my life, relationships and pursuits.

They find me and I find them

My book, my stories, not of my life but as metaphors for my soul are my guides, they come to me in their raw inspirational living concepts. They give me the confidence to go into the world and make my stand, fire my curiosity, lead me into my soul and into others, into life with compassion, strength direction and guidance, They find me and I find them, together we find life.

Life is more than what we know

You see life is more than what we know it to be, more than what we imagine it to be. We are part of the very processes of life, of creation it self, as well as an infinite whole of it that is expanding, integrating and, evolving, we are one of the very cores of creation, doing the creating, while simultaneously being created. We are here now; we are part of the processes of existence its self. We are more than expanding; we are integrating, consolidating, vivifying as well as activating what we are. We never die, (if death means to be no more or not to exist consciously any more) we are eternal, we are forever and forever more. We change forms, forget, start over, remember, go on to higher grounds and more expansive conscious ways of being and begin again while continuing. This eternal continuity and well as discontinuity. This discontinuation.

We are more than what we realize.


The point is that we are more than what we realize. It is not that we have an external or internal locus of control. It is a matter of owning ourselves. Actively discovering as well as accepting our full powers and abilities as they come to us while cultivating them as fully as possible. As well as discovering and extricating ourselves from the forces that hinder us. Actively examining our selves so that we are not unknowingly the means for which ignorance and outdated ways of being are not transmitted to the next generation and others through us. There is a psychologist, Alice Miller for those who are not familiar with her, for over twenty years she has had the courage to share her ingenious observations openly, especially in her writings that deal with how and the ways in which our western culture is very hostel towards children and infants. At present she acknowledges that our culture has made some strivings in the last twenty years towards respecting children and infants as human beings with rights, especially with the right not to be abused in any way, especially not to be abused with the rationalization that the abuse was for the child's own good, but we still have a long way to go.

She was one of the insightful leaders who realized even before it was scientifically proven that emotional abuse of any kind causes real and Permanente brain damage in children that thwarts their emotional development. She also described how a child's body stores the abuse inflicted on him or her. How the trauma of the abuse is stored in the body of the adult who was abused as a child and how such of a person is always charge with the trauma of the abuse as long as the abuse remains concealed from them. Such people are analogous to highly charged atmospheric conditions, and a person that is weaker and or more vulnerable is a lightening rod; this is the way to keep the memories of the real abuse down, to do the same thing to someone else, abuse someone weaker than you in an socially acceptable way, and rationalize it to yourself and to the child or person you are abusing as being for their own good.


I am a therapist. When I am not with my children, writing, reading or socializing I see clients. Most of the clients that I see have suffered a severe trauma. By me listening to them empathically, I mean being there with them emotionally, while providing them with the support, understanding, not fearing to follow them to their pain and dark places, they are able to free themselves for a while from the experiences that marooned them in terror, shame, gilt and regret. After this they naturally express what they must do to heal them selves and what is in them and in their environment that they believe is hindering them. The following sessions I support them in following through with what they know is best for them as they continue to tell their account. If a client is really motivated to help themselves, the sessions take on a life of its own. I then assist the client in recognizing and appreciating resources, strengths and abilities that they might have not appreciated or known that they possess. From here they help them selves, and the hindrances fade. They try to give me the credit but I let them see that from my depths I reflected them back to them selves. Such appreciation is liberating, emboldens and centers people, coping is a secondary process that naturally comes when one engages life more deeply and profoundly.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


He is where he has always been, with the lovely souls. The supremely beautiful music, the pure clarity of the endless colors and insightful lovely intent of all. He conveys with the lovely souls perfectly, with clarity, the entirety of all that he has experienced, it is now clear to them, the degree for which descending reflects ones very essence is the degree for which it will transfigurate the souls here, as well as the foundations of creation.

This is the power he brought to light, this ability was a desire that he had but it was not his intent. The effects of his intent are many. There are now more lovely souls here that have always been here, then ever before. He has connected realms that have been segregated. Now the souls in the material worlds are not lost, trapped in a cycle that exaggerates their despairs. Such souls now come back to themselves in worlds that more fully reflect the celestial realm, and are places of awakening, of reifiying and of not bonding but real intimacy, not of ongoing nightmares or dreams of blissful self deception.

Shores of ineffable beauty

There are endless shores of ineffable beauty, familiar shores, presences out over the ocean of dreams, deaths, births, and transfigurations waiting to welcome you to be in their realm once more,with ceaseless love, freedoms, excitements, living depths that flow freer than the wind, even for a fleeting instant. Today you are making your life and this world a welcoming oasis for those here, those coming here and for your self. You shall dream of this life of you in other worlds, of its feelings, sounds, joys, inspirations that live on in rays of beings, re-being with loved ones, many of whom you do not know of as yet, still you shall be once more with them over again. Each trip more aligned with your innermost nature, each time more enchanting.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am always in wonder, in deep awe and appreciation when I see some patients deal with their pain, generational pain that landed harder on them than a meteor the size of a small planet. The burdened, injustices, would crush most, yet they go on in their pain, life, love; all of us have such burden to some degree; the human spirit is truly amazing in its invincibility that creation it self is in wonder of .

Trust your your inner most being.

Trust your senses, your feelings, and your intuitions; have these great resources of you serve your soul, your inner most being. You find it by taking your inner life seriously through your self encounters with life. Most people are lost to them selves, most are a collection of distortions resulting from bad parenting that becomes more deeply concealed and perpetuated throughout life. Most people are illusions, built on illusions, desperately clinging to dreams, ideals and goals not to help humanity, not to fulfill something deeply intrinsically satisfying, but to ward off the pain of past traumas. God, will such tell you what you should do and point out all of your many imperfections you just must improve.

Weather we know it or not we are gods

Weather we know it or not we are gods that can make just about anything happen. We bring to form and life many marvels into our existence, at a faster and faster pace. We are the sorcerers that can summons, that manifest the hitherto unknown into our personal lives. We are the same as our cultural icons, which were heretics before they were icons. Such individuals determined to find the unknown seemingly stumbled upon it accidentally while in a long hard struggle that seemed to be in vain because the truth that they sought to uncover was an allusion or too far out of reach. Then as it were, serendipity stepped in, seemingly solely by accident, without any viable causal connection, their truth that they struggled with without any significant results to obtain fell right into their lap. To an outsider it was a miracle or they were very lucky; except the life itself of the person doing the stumbling onto and into the unknown. Did they really stumble or did they push them selves into their very truth.

I am free, spontaneous and alive.

I am free, spontaneous and alive. I am deeply alive to myself, to my being and to creation. I am alive, when I am in accordance with my self hitherto unknown resources are recognized, are released while nuance and raw power are both activated in abundance, giving one the opportunity, strength and condition to bring ones desires to complete fulfillment.

Children are the very core of creation

Children are the very core, the very center of creation, they are god alive; they are the very essence of the inner most being of god; they are divine mind; that is they are beautiful, free, brilliant fun souls, with lovely, alive joyous imaginations and being. We adults with our so called higher cognition are the protectors of them. Our attitude towards children is our attitude towards god and gods attitude towards us.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Every time we love sincerely

Every time we love sincerely, from our depths, from our core, not only do such moments exist forever but they create gaps, they are pure inspiration, of life of life, they become gaps in time and place, that metamorphose the very laws and processes of manifest creation to be more in accordance with the harmonized state of being of paradise. Such experiences are of spirit, are inspiration, and are soul's fulfillment.Such moments purify past incarnations and guide future embodiments.
Every time you love sincerely you change the universe. You help it be more of what it is meant to be

Paradise, awakened infinity.

Eternity, unconscious infinity


As we know our depths more we are better able to seek and create experiences that satisfy it, our core, our essence, the design of our very self. As we do this in life we create relationships and other means by which we can fulfill our soul, our innermost being in a functional way in our daily life. Neither awareness nor life ends with death. In death we infuse our awareness with the very core of creation itself, we become more a part of the very laws and the very counsel that are the processes and governing processes by which we incarnate our self and unfold our destiny through in our next incarnation. The degree for which you are aware is the degree for which you create and control the economy of your next incarnation.

No matter what happens, how we treat life, is how life treats us. Sometimes instant karma, other times it takes a while.


Some scholars of certain ancient eastern texts who understand modern physics interpret such writings as saying that each time god exhales the universe begins - the big bang - and when god inhales the universe is drawn back into its source - the big crunch. So the endless beginnings and endings of the universe is god's breathing. I like to think that in-between breaths - that wondrous pause between inhale and exhale we are fully deep in god's bosom once more. That eternal space, were time and longing are quenched as one. Where all of the hearts and souls' possibilities are played out, experienced in a grand harmonic conversion. All is as it should be, and in the pinnacle of this endless praise we are drawn - perhaps we could stay if we so desire, but we become enthralled with anticipation. We want to be part of that exhale once more so as to reify ourselves in that grand vacuous dispersement where randomness and chance struggle against choice, vague recollections and sublime emotions, all of which are mediated by survival and discernment.