Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Weather we know it or not we are gods

Weather we know it or not we are gods that can make just about anything happen. We bring to form and life many marvels into our existence, at a faster and faster pace. We are the sorcerers that can summons, that manifest the hitherto unknown into our personal lives. We are the same as our cultural icons, which were heretics before they were icons. Such individuals determined to find the unknown seemingly stumbled upon it accidentally while in a long hard struggle that seemed to be in vain because the truth that they sought to uncover was an allusion or too far out of reach. Then as it were, serendipity stepped in, seemingly solely by accident, without any viable causal connection, their truth that they struggled with without any significant results to obtain fell right into their lap. To an outsider it was a miracle or they were very lucky; except the life itself of the person doing the stumbling onto and into the unknown. Did they really stumble or did they push them selves into their very truth.

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