Thursday, February 26, 2015

The risk of not being one self is too great

The risk of not being one self is too great. One must be what one is no matter the cost, no matter what the risk. The false layers fall away, let them fall, let your self be. When you had enough of the unsatisfying ways of adopting and just be, you know it, they ways will come, invisible, but never failing like the air in your lungs. Copyright © 2015 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Though we are plagued with faults

Though we are plagued with faults, emotional surges that derail us at times, we still find our center enough to change what we do not want in ways that bring us closer to those that we need in our life and distance our self from those that we unknowingly use to hide from our real self, with its many splendorous powers and desires.