Thursday, November 17, 2016

Face the abuse and trauma neglect that you went through and free yourself

The scientist now say the parts of our brain compete with other parts The part of our brain that are disproportionately activated Well nobody talks about that That's where your addiction comes in The hell with all the mind games and tricks of the mind they Never works Face the abuse and trauma neglect that you went through and free yourself move away from ignorant people and be around people that you can talk honestly with about what you feel What you know and what you are be Yourself quit playing these stupid rules given to you by stupid people Copyright © 2016 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

All drug treatment centers and detox centers are scams. They never asked the question, why did you become an addict, what needs are behind your addiction.

All substance-abuse addicts were abused or neglected as children. All drug treatment centers and detox centers are scams. They never asked the question, why did you become an addict, what needs are behind your addiction. Instead they talk about what makes you feel good, change your thoughts, change how you interpret your dysfunctional family. They Never want to help you face the truth that is the cause of your addiction. Why, because they are invested in making money from your addiction and keep You coming back. Do not take your drugs, Take our medications, take our drugs. Never get to the root of your problem. You can't fix the titanic by dealing with the deck. The pain from your addiction is deep below. That is why none of the detox centers and drug treatment centers ever work. Yes your emotionally that collected and stunted parents are the cause of the root of your addiction. Faceing this truth is how you free yourself from it now, you're responsible. The emotional detox by facing this poison and getting it out with someone who can except you contain your pain and help you find your voice that is your task.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

The risk of not being one self is too great

The risk of not being one self is too great. One must be what one is no matter the cost, no matter what the risk. The false layers fall away, let them fall, let your self be. When you had enough of the unsatisfying ways of adopting and just be, you know it, they ways will come, invisible, but never failing like the air in your lungs. Copyright © 2015 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 11, 2016

There is a force that guides us

There is a force that guides us, that protects us, that heals us, that supports us and leads us to the fulfillment of the unique design that we are. This force is with us through all of man’s inhumanity to man, this force is always there even in the corruptions of our ways of being, in the many false and distorted values that have layered them selves upon us starting from the time of our fragile brain development. This force proceeds creation it self, it very subtly and (depending on your perception) invisibly infuses itself in the evolutionary process of the universe, of solar, of life, of ecological and of biological processes and their many forms, this force is in and has influenced the primary human roles, mother, father, children, lovers, explorer; it proceeds the civilizations and cultures that such roles play them selves out in, yet this force maintains itself in its purest state. We do not have to worship it, praise it, change or alter our behaviors to please it, to summons it, we do not have to adhere to a certain moral or ethical code to obtain it powers, its guiding, protecting, and reifying influences. Like electricity or radio waves, and like so many other forces that we have only recently discovered and are learning how to use, this force was always there, It is here now, we simply have to relate with this force in a manner that is attune to the many layers of our uniqueness and the circumstances that we are in and what we long to become and with those we love. Do not mistaken this force by the way it has been misused, twisted, exploited by the many ways mankind has disguised it. Individuals, civilizations and institutions have attempted to usurp it the in the forms of religious institutions, moral and cultural precepts, controlling philosophies and spiritual practices. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Saturday, July 02, 2016

We are Unique embodiments of creation itself

We are all gods, Unique embodiments of creation itself The games we play as we interact with each other Business, leisure at work, at the gym, at the post office at the bookstore, at the County building, at the business seminar. on the street those that desirous us, those that hate us our mask for which we hide from ourselves and one another But we each are helping our universe come out and expand, increase Our range of complexity, Power and vividness to express, to manifest more of our depths, more of our subjectivity, subjectivity that has not reached the light of consciousness, of being yet. Most of us is still unborn. Each Carnation is a different expression somehow of our depths, of our subjectivity We create new worlds, new lives, so we can live out our intersubjectivity Into the light of connectedness to one another. No this behind the mast there is a life That created and sustained is all that is Voice to text draft. We cannot go back into time life does not work that way It creates and sustains and I can transform an unknown way Voice to text draft

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

We are going towards something of our self that we sense but do not quite know.

We are going towards something of our self that we sense but do not quite know. The world is spinning while moving around the sun. Invisible sources of nuclear fusion are the source of the light and heat which set the conditions for us to emerge through while sustaining us. Invisible forces of your depths are pulling you, guiding you, directing you, sustaining you protecting you. This highly individual force is woven with everyone else's. We are headed in creating a whole new way of being. Through our pain, anguish and frustration we are being born into a new way of being. It might seem and even feel at times as if it is not going to happen but just as the world spins, your true and deeper nature cannot be stopped. The more you align yourself to your inner and latent faculties, latent faculties that heretofore have been neglected due to inadequate reflection, cultivation and nurturance from the environment and conditions that you were raised, socialize and schooled in. Let yourself be guided, more by the quiet and clearness of your intuitions. You will find books and new situations and people that will clarify you more honestly and profoundly to yourself through this authentic form of self encounter. The more you will appreciate, cultivate and reflect a more powerful and potent side of yourself. Others limited and distorted perceptions of you will have much less sway over you. You will see through others mendacity, how they have so much undigested pain from their upbringing. You will not play their game. Most people today hide their pain by perpetrating on others what was done to them in their upbringing that they are to scared to face and then they hide behind a cloak of morality and material success. This only prolongs their and others agony, for it solidifies there delusions and loss of real self. Such people Continuously need people to perpetrate the crimes that were done to them as children. The crime of Neglect, ignorance, indifference emotional abuse, and blind obedience and loyalty outdated and useless traditions especially towards children behind the guise of upbringing, that continue to perpetuate human misery and makes a virtue of games that continues this process. The Process that you are now extricating yourself from.

Thursday, June 09, 2016

What it is like to be dyslexic.

What if your awareness was more sensitive and your brain development reflected this. As well as your entire way of perceiving and reacting to the world. What if you were first born a chrysalis instead of a inchworm. In a state of evolution where most are inch worms in very very few become butterflies. In the culture of the inchworm you would appear to be quite insufficient. The demands of your environment will force you to come out of your chrysalis. In many ways you would still be an inchworm but you will still have unformed appendages that are the precursors to being a butterfly which would simply be a hindrance in your struggle to adapt and compete and being an inchworm. Intuitively you know that parts of you will be lost if you succeed and by your very success you would have failed so how do you adopt to and be part of the transformation which you inherently are. How do you potentiate yourself in a environment that sees your strengths as a deficiency or some sort of character fault. Hence the struggles and the Paradox of being dyslexic. I wish to provide a dynamic Matrix of a chrysalis in our culture so dyslexics could flourish. Many wise people will appreciate the dyslexic, they will see their unique attributes, orientation and perceptions as part of a greater phenomenon that enriches are human conditions in ways that cannot be predicted. At present our survival depends on embracing diversity so we could change our destructive course while maintaining our vital functions. This hyperbole does speak to the heart of the matter for it shows the almost disparaging task dyslexic face in fulfilling their potentials and in being true to themselves. For they have many diverse and wide intellectual and creative powers but the established system that systematically weeds them out, and this happens in such an matter of fact and overwhelming way whereby they believe that they are failures. I could honestly speak to how untrue this is. opyright © 2016 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Monday, May 30, 2016


Dyslexia IS NOT A DISABILITY NOR IS IT AN ISSUE, PEOPLES FIXED ATTITUDE AND IGNORANCE is the real disability! ! ! ! ! ! Einstein, How come you can't do the math like all the other good students in Prussia? Einstein how come you can't conform to the norms and social conventions like all the other good Germans and later on like all the other good Americans? Disney why can't you just face reality and realize carnivals and fairs are places where people act belligerent? Thomas Edison why can't you just get a regular job? Winston Churchhill, why can't you simply face the fact that Germany is not going to be in aggressor? John Lennon as a student why can't you realize that your dreams are going to be completely useless? Quit wasting your time! Anthony Cavuoti quit telling dyslexic people that they are the most creative and some of the best and most productive people on the face of the earth!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

All forms of inhumanity are terrible no matter what

All forms of inhumanity are terrible no matter what. They destroy us in innumerable ways, both the victim and the perpetrator. If children are exposed to this, EVEN INDIRECTLY, it infects them and creates all sorts of neurological, psychological, developmental, spiritual, relationship and emotional damage that their future, adult self will never fully extricate itself from, at best day will be constantly dogged by needless and profile emotional pain for the rest of their lives, at worst they will be drug attic's, criminals and abusers themselves, Copyright © 2016 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved It is true some women are predators, perhaps there are just as many female predators that use and abuse men as there are male predators that do this to women. Except women are more subtle and sophisticated about as well as stealthful about it. Men are more testosterone driven, which drives them to be more overt about it but women have an increased cat like preternatural ability to understand the psycho- emotional vulnerabilities of a man. Hence women are more effective, that is deadly when they inflict abuse. Physical abuse, the black and blue is terrible and there is never any excuse for it. You leave the situation and or you resolve it as best you can in a humane and reasonable way. A man should never physically abuse a woman or verbally abuse, even more, men should never abuse a woman in any way, shape and form. However women are more adept, insightful and steadfast at inflicting psychological abuse, they can get the man to self destruct, hence the woman looks like the victim that had to put up with such an immature, terrible and destructive, person, while her manipulative and abusive tactics go completely unnoticed. This added dimension of abuse only compounds the man’s demise, in fact he' will even blame himself along with the rest of society. Women are more likely to file false police reports. Make false allegations, especially when it comes to divorce and child custody. Perhaps this is an reaction to men’s abusive ways; a historical reaction to past generations of men's abuse of women that is just surfacing more pronouncedly in western culture and society. Or this could have been secretly going on the whole time but men were always too ashamed to admit it, or they just didn't know when they were being abused and exploited. Or it could be both, it a character formation of men's abuse of women that developed over the centuries and just as true women always has this characteristic and women always had the tools and resources at their disposal but now they freely are using deadly arsenal. In any case the children in this generation suffer, for it takes fathers away from their children and it puts hatred over the love of a child. Too many women hate the man more than they love their children and it shows. Of course this is rooted in child, infancy and prenatal development but that's for another paper. The implication is that daughters will learn these tactics, unconsciously reenact them. The women made might perpetrate their unconscious issues towards men upon their sons even know it. Hence producing another generation of victims and perpetrators. Anthony Cavuoti voice to text draft. Have a feeling this is going to upset a lot of people. Also have a feeling this is going to resonate true with a lot of people both male and female. Please send me your feedback and comments I like to continue this article. © 2016 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


She was always easy, easy to fall for and dream upon Something about her was so gentle, something so far out of reach Something, a certain something about her that glided me into love again Something about her, that made be not hide away, with her it was so easy The natural way she played The many things she said, Sometimes I still think about her How she drifted away The illusions are more real, Than the fixed patterns of our days Sometimes we get a glimpse of what will come. Of what should have always been We run away from what is our true nature Hide in our safety of others expectations again To find my self, I no longer craw, After her now I run.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

DCFS does not put children first, the entire culture of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and family services starting from the administration downwards  heart, soul, mind and efforts  is on covering your

DCFS does not put children first, the entire culture of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and family services starting from the administration downwards  heart, soul, mind and efforts  is on covering your butt.  It is a culture of anxiety, backstabbing and harassment.  Most of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family services workers motto is, “Keep your good county Job.”  Not child safety first.  Their real guiding mantra is cover your Butt first.   Child safety has very little to do with it for most.   The few social workers that do put children first get weeded out quickly, very quickly.   For example if you are empathic and care about children,  it does  not matter.   Such people do not last at DCFS, they seldom get  promoted and very rarely become supervisors. In other words  the workers that really  care about children do not last long and move up.     The workers that are detach, the ones that are good tools, that are good at paper work, such workers are the  ones that our out of touch with their  feelings, they do not turn their feelings off, they are not in touch with them in the first place, so not empathizing  is second nature, such workers tune out their higher level brain  functioning and  focus on the corrupt  status quo and getting the endless blizzard of paper work in on time, with all the paper work, as well as bureaucratic forms to fill out correctly one has to neglect the children, such are the character traits that move up in the ranks at DCFS.   The DCFS administration and culture will cover up for such a worker, for  such of a good and productive DCFS employee.       Now if the child dies on you and you are one of the good and productive DCFS employees and you cover it up because you care about your job and your house payments more than you care about a minority child, or any child, and the facts, then you will get promoted. Most DCFS supervisors have at least covered up one child death before they became promoted. Find me the most paid DCFS employees and I will show you the most child death coverups. Moving up is determined by how well you cover up a child death due to DCFS failure. It is the complete opposite of caring for children, protecting children, putting children first and child safety. They will fire a social worker not because the child dies do to a DCFS failure but because the DCFS worker did not adequately cover up a needles death of a child. Copyright © 2003 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Render onto God what is God and Cesar what is Cesar, consumerism isn't bad in and of it self but there has to be in equilibrium.

The narcissistic king. Some people are so selfish and damage it's all about them and they destroy their families especially their children The borderline queen some people are so selfish, emotionally demanding it's always about them. They destroy other people to get their needs met. Especially their children. Such people create a strange gravity and their children get caught in this and are an abusive relationships and or toxic. Many psychologists no matter how progressive, educated, enlightened or metaphysical, Scientific, ect can distort any theory and a classic psychologist likeCarl Jing to meet the status quo of a dysfunctional consumer driven culture that is vested too heavily on having us marooned on superficial levels. Sometimes it's simply about us coming out of our homogenize existence out of our plastic, out of our cellophane wrappers. People lead us to the truth of our soul, what we could do to give voice to the cognition of our being, faced of pure and whole instead of being saturated consumer. Render onto God what is God and Cesar what is Cesar, consumerism isn't bad but there has to be in equilibrium. One time my life was going fairly well and matter fact was probably one the most well-balanced times in my life. one time see a woman in a bad neighborhood in Compton and she's crying out, something touched her and I was moved. I approached her to see what was wrong. My heart my mind and my and my soul was simply to ease her pain some. It's like a sincere do you feel when you cry over something real deep in your soul. Others might misinterpret my intent but in A quick glance of my presents she got it I'm glad I acted on this it was good for me it was good for her

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The director of the movie clearly was traumatized and succeeds in re-traumatizing the audience. This horror movies and others have a real reality behind them besides their entertainment and their overkill.

The movie Ten Clover field Lane really shows what it's like to be in an abusive family. The director of the movie clearly was traumatized and succeeds in re-traumatizing the audience. This horror movies and others have a real reality behind them besides their entertainment and their overkill. Such movies remind us by making us emotionally vulnerable and feel once again the terror we felt as children. The terror and horror most of us experienced sometime as children and early adolescence when we where depended for a time on a relative or an authority figure that held us hostage emotionally and we where prematurely forced to deal with their crazy monstrous, manipulative subtle or not so subtle abuse. Of course such relatives or authority figures always told us that the abuse they were inflicted upon us was for our own good and that we should be grateful. Such adults that had Power of life and death over us and the residence of the abuse we were forced to endure still lingers that's why such movies are very effective.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

We are connected in more ways than we know.

We are connected in more ways than we know. In more ways than we can imagine Words separates us Technology dilutes us Copyright © 2016 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Saturday, March 12, 2016

The was Sabbath made to serve man not man to serve the Sabbath

The was Sabbath made to serve man not man to serve the Sabbath. Though that became reversed. Same is true for technology technology was meant to serve us. We don't even know ourselves yet, we only know a small fraction of ourselves. It's insane to think that technology is an organism in and of itself. Technology is an extension of ourselves. The Question is what Kind of extension of us. Extension of us hiding from ourselves in this perpetual game hi go seek and homogenizing each other, and provoking each other and keeping us maroon on lower levels. Teknowledge Only reflects us as where are are spiritually emotionally, developmentally We as people, as human and spiritual beings have to growth on the inside, we can not have technology be scaffold are immaturity's in our dangerous games, we have to reflect, meditate process reality, the terms with our feelings and emotions, cultivate our higher faculties, and respect and understand ourselves and each other, Technology help us in this reflect this not keep us stuck in these pornography games, in violent games, in these gossiping games, in these surveillance games, in these I'm right you're wrong games, Technology needs to reflect our higher. It isn't meant to serve us not us to serve it. We cannot surrender and hide in it. Draft. voice to text draft

Friday, March 11, 2016

There is no middle ground with sexual abuse it is always a crime.

There is no middle ground with sexual abuse it is always a crime. Directors who never faced their own truth continue to distort the truth in reenactments, in dramatic reenactment's of lies,of productions. Directors continue to reenact the cover-up, the distortions. To Give equal way to the perpetrator is a crime, a crime against the child, A crime against the child who soul they murdered a crime against a child whoes future self they did not care about, against children and against humanity.

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

It is never a choice between love

It is never a choice between love and sanity. Sometimes passion and sanity. but not love Passion Takes us out of our homogenize life Passion takes us out of the insanity of over compliance, over adjustment, over socialization, over normality, it brings us to the colors of being and takes us out of the colorist wrappings of our homogenized existence. I Love does this and more, love always increases in expanding, grounded and reifying ways. Copyright © 2016 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Saturday, February 27, 2016

There is just more to us than what we know.

There is just more to us than what we know. Much more, pain will contract, Pain will frustrate, pain will distort, pain will conceal, Feeling your pain and understanding the sources of your pain will reveal, the labor pains of your higher self don't always come easy or in ways that are packaged and shiny self help books or videos. Once we feel it and go through it it is ours forever, no this. You will not be appreciated for knowing the truth. No one will praise you for seeing through their deceptions. and from their many Self-deceptions Appreciation won't come from others but it will come from you. It will come from the depths of your soul and the meaning of your life, not a perfect life. bit a More authentic life Not a life without conflict and much trouble, but your life. Copyright © 2016 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Where we get oxygen

We all need to be in an environment where we get oxygen for our inner depths, for our inner life, for the source of our vitality, our creativity. You have to Come up with rituals, and follow through, to leave toxic environments, that slowly diminished, that slowly suffocate. You have to periodically nurture all of your depths, you have to do things that express, that are Regenerate your core. For me writing is a source of re-generation, really being there for someone in a sincere and honest exchange of ideas, feelings and life experiences. In such moments we are once again in the center of the universe and the cards are reshuffled. Copyright © 2016 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Saturday, January 30, 2016

There is a code of our soul

There is a code of our soul, a very real and deep code. A pattern of our being. Very, very Personal caring and sacred, sacred to you that expresses it self inside as well as outside of time. it is very unique to us, far outside the realm of any collective perception, or systems. It is deep in us, more real than real, more real than real, and faster. Most of the so called helping people and professions are to homogenize us, to strip away this reality, this reality of of us, that is more real than real. The underline fabric of reality. Copyright © 2015 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Friday, January 01, 2016

When we are cherished there is no stopping us

There is something deep inside of us, our inner most being that only our soul and God ever felt and experienced. Sometimes a mother could experience this while holding her quavering child tenderly in her receptive warm arms. Lovers experience this unexplainable something while holding one another closely but mistaking it for passion. Something inside of us is yearning, That only comes to life That only comes into this world When it is really seen, felt, and appreciated, no there is more to it than this when it is cherished. When it is cherished there is no stopping it, are real self, the Full force and Core of our being. Copyright © 2015 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved