Sunday, March 20, 2016

The director of the movie clearly was traumatized and succeeds in re-traumatizing the audience. This horror movies and others have a real reality behind them besides their entertainment and their overkill.

The movie Ten Clover field Lane really shows what it's like to be in an abusive family. The director of the movie clearly was traumatized and succeeds in re-traumatizing the audience. This horror movies and others have a real reality behind them besides their entertainment and their overkill. Such movies remind us by making us emotionally vulnerable and feel once again the terror we felt as children. The terror and horror most of us experienced sometime as children and early adolescence when we where depended for a time on a relative or an authority figure that held us hostage emotionally and we where prematurely forced to deal with their crazy monstrous, manipulative subtle or not so subtle abuse. Of course such relatives or authority figures always told us that the abuse they were inflicted upon us was for our own good and that we should be grateful. Such adults that had Power of life and death over us and the residence of the abuse we were forced to endure still lingers that's why such movies are very effective.

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