Saturday, March 06, 2010


As we know our depths more we are better able to seek and create experiences that satisfy it, our core, our essence, the design of our very self. As we do this in life we create relationships and other means by which we can fulfill our soul, our innermost being in a functional way in our daily life. Neither awareness nor life ends with death. In death we infuse our awareness with the very core of creation itself, we become more a part of the very laws and the very counsel that are the processes and governing processes by which we incarnate our self and unfold our destiny through in our next incarnation. The degree for which you are aware is the degree for which you create and control the economy of your next incarnation.

No matter what happens, how we treat life, is how life treats us. Sometimes instant karma, other times it takes a while.


Some scholars of certain ancient eastern texts who understand modern physics interpret such writings as saying that each time god exhales the universe begins - the big bang - and when god inhales the universe is drawn back into its source - the big crunch. So the endless beginnings and endings of the universe is god's breathing. I like to think that in-between breaths - that wondrous pause between inhale and exhale we are fully deep in god's bosom once more. That eternal space, were time and longing are quenched as one. Where all of the hearts and souls' possibilities are played out, experienced in a grand harmonic conversion. All is as it should be, and in the pinnacle of this endless praise we are drawn - perhaps we could stay if we so desire, but we become enthralled with anticipation. We want to be part of that exhale once more so as to reify ourselves in that grand vacuous dispersement where randomness and chance struggle against choice, vague recollections and sublime emotions, all of which are mediated by survival and discernment.

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