Saturday, June 15, 2013

shallow, superficial, meaningless

Most live shallow, superficial, meaningless lives; just running blind with the heard, their children are the only thing that is decent, that is not a slave to expectations and ignorance. The child owns the parent only his/her genuine love which you can never fake or force. The child does not have to love someone not-worthy of love, for you fools that refuse to grow past your abuse and the cover up, even worse those self righteous parent’s that marry their power while pretending it is work, this sort of parent that neglected their child and refuses to see it, which is far worse than any abuse and it is sanctioned my our culture. But the adult child feels it, Knows it, and does not pretend it is not so, so that he or she stays awake emotionally so as to break the cycle, of lies, deception and fake closeness.

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