Saturday, November 23, 2013

When you are young you believe that you can change the world to a more fulfilling happier place because you have much more of a chance to obtain it

When you are young you believe that you can change the world to a more fulfilling happier place because you have much more of a chance to obtain it, the prospect off this expansion of life pushes many to dream the dream and to attempt to make real the better life, most of the time it fails because the young more than the others believe they can transcend the negative or overly restrictive frustrating established patterning by focusing on the new alone, they believe in the power of metamorphosis. What they come to see if they are not too discouraged is that they are setting the ground work for this transfiguration of such, this quantum leap in out cultural evolution to occur. Most end up failing, being disillusioned and thus unconsciously being guardians of the old.

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