Sunday, November 18, 2012

Those that know God, do God

Those that know God, do God, those that do not, do not, or do in silence, those that pretend to, well, you can not get away from hearing then talk about God all the time while they do their ego. Just think of some of today’s politicians. So
me can do both, Do God, do God's work, their talk reflects their heart, their works, they can do this because they are this, because they made them selves real with great determination in the face of overwhelming opposition, of profound despair and we are more real from their great faith, by their efforts. The tree is known by its fruits, just think of Abraham Lincoln. An embodiment of a great Prophets of old. They will come again. Why must we always leave them such of a mess? Why can’t we do God for our selves? Lets get the fakes out of the houses of our God. The first step is to recognize the fakes. The more you are real to your depths, the fonts of God, the more you will see, be, feel, act, influence, be. You will see through all upcoming deceivers and have the power to lead people back to a life of real value, real meaning, real love.

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