Friday, November 02, 2012

Quit looking for your salvation from the emotionally stunted people.

We forget that we are part of the very core of creation, thus we are an expression of creation. From time to time we incarnate into families that is into circumstances
 that shame us out of are core, of who we are, this starts from birth, such feelings begin in the womb from the circumstances that surround the mother. The way out of such feelings is in. Own your feelings, they are telling you that the environment that you came from and are in is inadequate for your healthy development.. Quit looking for your salvation from the emotionally stunted people of your past and your present. Find it in people who are able and willing to own their projections, who are capable of really loving you, caring for you, support your positive strivings, that is, be with people who love you for you stead of trying to manipulate you into roles that validates their twisted and stunted sense of self. Do not be with people that shame you,that play off of your vulnerabilities.

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