Monday, November 12, 2012

I no longer take their shortcomings as my own

In college, in grad school, in my profession, no matter how high I have achieved, how many lives I have transformed in a positive way, a great many people simply judged me by how well I spell, read, and do so called normal things like every one else; being deeply dyslexic, such is impossible, a satellite cannot act like a radio tower. I see that even the so called good, people, kind people, educated people, and enlightened people have a very long dark side, a side that they do not know that they have, a side they do not own, a side that I no longer allow to be projected on me.  Well they still do, but I no longer take their shortcomings as my own.   Does anyone feel as I do, see as I do, experience this, in ways that I have.

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