Wednesday, December 31, 2014

You cannot share the truth, connect in a non-toxic bind, honestly exchange in a meaningful

You cannot share the truth, connect in a non-toxic bind, honestly exchange in a meaningful and sincere way with someone that has spent most of their life hiding from them selves and out of fear to avoid the shock and devastation of their emotional disfigurement which has become amplified by their lost long past decisions to identify with the exploiters and abusers in their life. They fallaciously or unconsciously believe that they have gained and profited from this orientation and will not change. As long as they are in denial of their truth and abuse they will continue to perpetrate the same way or in a similar way in which were perpetrated. They might pretend to be your friend, lover, greatest supporter to undermine you and stab you in the back, anything to keep their pain pushed down and out of consciousness. They are loyal to The perpetrators Not to them self and not to you. These are the greatest believers. The pillars of the communities. The most Christian of all Christian, the most caring of all caring, the most sound of all sound, intelligent of all intelligent and the most pathetic persons you will ever experience. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

You just follow the flow of fools passively going to oblivion.

You lack the courage to make it real, the uniqueness of your subjectivity. Your strength is using what is common to you and others to fit in. You think by being approved of, indifferent, righteous, seemingly firm and blindly loyal on the outside, while dying on the inside in the common ground game that seduces us and betrays us, you are being unique and daring and satisfied. You just follow the flow of fools passively going to oblivion.

Express your real self

Yes pleasure, joy and ecstasy, the springs of life, to live life, not to escape from life. You can't use one side of life to nullify another not even a delicious side or an exhilarating side. But it Sure feels good for a while. You have to take care of business, most of all your self, the real experience, needs, desires and longings of you behind the masks of the competent roles you play to the world that demands them of you. Real to yourself (And not overly adapting) that makes these little whiles happen and happen more intensely over and over again, as you express your real self by their exhilaration not using them to hide from your real self and life. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Do not mistaken this force by the way it has been misused

We do not have to worship it, praise it, change or alter our behaviors to please it, to summons it, we do not have to adhere to a certain moral or ethical code to obtain it powers, its guiding, protecting, and reifying influences. Like electricity or radio waves, and like so many other forces that we have only recently discovered and are learning how to use, this force was always there, It is here now, we simply have to relate with this force in a manner that is attune to the many layers of our uniqueness and the circumstances that we are in and what we long to become and with those we love. Do not mistaken this force by the way it has been misused, twisted, exploited by the many ways mankind has disguised it. Individuals, civilizations and institutions have attempted to usurp it the in the forms of religious institutions, moral and cultural precepts, controlling philosophies and spiritual practices.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Being dyslexic I really experience what hypocrites people and institutions are

Being dyslexic I really experience what hypocrites people and institutions are. Right from the start I recalled vividly how I knew I should spell but was unable to. I tried but was baffled by the entangled puzzlement of such of a seemingly simple task that on some levels I knew I had the intelligence to master. I needed someone to help me, to make sense of this, someone that understood for I could not understand what was happening and why it was. The same was true for reading but even worse, for my difficulties in reading were just as profound but this vulnerability of my learning style was always made public in front of the class and the teachers had no shame in how they shamed me as well as embarrassed me by having me fail so crushingly so very often reading infrunt of the class, as an exercise and then later as a punishment. My kindergarten, first and second grade teachers where terrible sadistic old spinsters who's hostility and indifference knew no boundaries. Thrird forth and fifth grade teachers were not as bad but the worce of all was the Neo Nazi of a sixth-grade teacher Miss Schmidt. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Real love is like moisture in the air

Real love is like moisture in the air, you cannot fake it, it is either there or it is not, and how much is there. Most families are a house on fire, there is no moisture, none. They are simply proficient at pretending there is. Copyright © 2012 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Sunday, December 21, 2014

He answers “Lets just call it soul or right brain, we try to keep a balance, as your culture favors the left brain, linear control processes, we are more right brain intuitive. “ “Help me understand it more clearly” I ask The captain continues, “thinking and planning for us are faculties of the mind to assist us at times. Your culture is fixated on thinking and planning, you have come to identify with that part of your mind as who you are, you have created models of who you are, what the universe is and you are trapped in your however ingenious but limited perception. We experience the expanding, mystifying and clarifying nature of our self and creation.” I ask, “What do you use thinkig for.” He replies, “to wonder, as well as to assist us in concrete operations for a particular time and place” Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved He answers “Lets just call it soul or right brain, we try to keep a balance, as your culture favors the left brain, linear control processes, we are more right brain intuitive. “ “Help me understand it more clearly” I ask The captain continues, “thinking and planning for us are faculties of the mind to assist us at times. Your culture is fixated on thinking and planning, you have come to identify with that part of your mind as who you are, you have created models of who you are, what the universe is and you are trapped in your however ingenious but limited perception. We experience the expanding, mystifying and clarifying nature of our self and creation.” I ask, “What do you use thinkig for.” He replies, “to wonder, as well as to assist us in concrete operations for a particular time and place” Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Thursday, December 18, 2014

It is not karma

We are in a state of misery, of anxiety, of constant struggle, and constantly being harassed by our fellow human beings, and the worries of our existence not because we are born defective, not because we are born in a state of sin, or because we have karma, bad karma. It is our up-bringings, our culture keeps us in a state of perpetual ignorance, it uses our sacred traditions for this such as religion, such sacred traditions both inspire us, guide us and keep us in a constant state of ignorance. The hypocrisy of this poisonous pedagogy damages the developing nervous system and brain of the child for life. The full force of the childs inner beauty, of the pent up life and love behind the floodgates of superstition, of repression will only be realized to the child once this truth is known, once this truth is felt, once this truth is experienced. Now as adults we unconsciously hide behind the cloak of the insidious methods of our unbringing and we perpetrate on one another through socially sanctioned molds of conduct the neglect, indifference and abuses that were done to us as infants, as children. As adults we blame it on God, on karma, on our genes, when in fact it is the ignorance of our civilization, of our society and its misuse and abuse of sacred traditions that give the adults in our vulnerable years permission to damage us, permission to neglect us, permission to abuse us, it is a socially sanctioned terrorism of the soul. Are awareness and our willingness to see it is the beginning of the ending of this ignorance. These superstitions that keep us ignorant. it is not God, it is not bad or past karma, it is the imprint of how we were treated as children. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Sunday, November 30, 2014

All great souls, minds thinkers and philosophers had to contend with such

There are always higher forces at work, guiding you, creating coincidences in your favor, and they are very forgiving for the frustrations, annoyances of how you may not always be graceful and sometimes a little harsh with those that are incompetent or on some level bullying you with their attitudes and or their little power. All great souls, minds thinkers and philosophers had to contend with such arrogance fools, angry fools, nervous fools, petty fools. Still we get back on course, we usually react to them when we are stressed or suffered a perfect storm of fools. We get back in synchronicity, moving up, and in getting our needs met better than ever. Taking care of yourself is your inoculation from toxic fools. Copyright © 2012 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Your past Karma

Your past Karma, that is your past states of mind, desires, inclination, attitudes, actions, and results they had on others narrow, shallow and and bigoted ego minds in a past life is what you are swimming are sinking in Emotionally. Your automatic thoughts reflects your pass imprint memory in this life And your imprint memory our results past karma, for you karma creates the conditions that allowed the emotional damage to you too happen and are not happen or both. How people's others from your past incarnation real minds, that is their Clear mind, (their depths, their soul, the side of their Being that was above) trauma, racism, prejudice, ignorance and bigotry of their time, That, that clarity That should've been the condition of your past life is what you are starting to fly in in this life, P

Friday, November 28, 2014

The more you know your childhood

The more you know your childhood, your early childhood, your infancy, what your mother experience while pregnant with you; what sort of environment surrounded you while you were developing in your mothers womb? What was her emotional state? What was your biological father's emotional state. What supports did she obtain from her environment, what were the stresses that impinge upon her and you. The more you know your past the more you are able know how and why you perceive the world as you do and why you react to the world as you do. You need to know this in order to escape the bondage of past and present toxic relationships and other forms of unfulfillment so as to move in to the direction solidifying your higher inclinations as well as your greater nature, as the the higher latent potential of you personality, mind and soul. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Think of your your, best you peak experience and successes (draft)

Think of your , best you peak experience and successes, just do not think about them, feel that reexperience then. This unconscious conscious motivation and increase your drive In the present On which you need do what steps you need to take for your fulfillment right now. Just important it will incline you increase your will in confidence Not to take steps that will further harm, as being involved in a distractive relationship, overextending yourself emotionally in directions you should not be going right now.

Most people don't know them selves in this life (draft)

11 28 14 Most people don't know them selves in this life So knowing yourself in previous incarnations Will not be effective until you get a solid sense of yourself in this life, of course both work together but You have to be anchored in this incarnation this time and place before you can venture into the past without losing yourself. Your present personality and incarnation has to be in anchor enough to keep you grounded so you can return And profit from your inward Journey. Feelings and emotions, your inclinations you do not profit from and causing degrees of mental anguish, these are unresolved issues from past incarnations. Relationships that degrade you more than they fulfill you are unresolved issues from past and carnations. Of course they get consolidated and reenacted And significant relationships in your present life, all the while for your development There are opportunities to work it out, if you have a good child counselor someone could help you out as a child, A good school or therapist to help you as a teenager, as a young adult, most go to marriage counselors that is where the issues play themselves out Most prevalently in our culture. The trick is to indulge your higher inclinations More then your lower inclinations. Most people get over involved in their lower inclinations. Maroon there and this gets played out in dysfunctional relationships, addictions, unfulfilling jobs and careers Other patterns of negelct and destruction. You become overly involved with And or marry your neglect issues They played them sells out both go on each other They are the cause of this Fortunate drama trauma. Others just focus on their higher inclinations This leads to inflation grandiosity And shadow that is the neglected side plays itself out in relationships, impulses ventures and all sorts of emotional blindness That ultimate leads to overextending disappointment and failure. If you deal with the lessons you need to learn here Well asses friends need to cultivate, perfect and excel through, Voice to text draft

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

We find our way

As we commit to life we find our way in life, more and more we find our way in life, to life, We struggle through the collective established ways of life, what gets us through is more than our own will, it is the deeper, higher, more expansive mind coming through us, life coming through us. As we shed the false ways others put on us mostly in our developmental years, we shed the false ways of humanity, not only freeing our self from established deceptive patterns that once where thought necessary but now hinder, twist and distort, we free others caught in this poisonous bonding of darkness, out of deceptions that pose as necessity. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 10, 2014

Reincarnation became excepted more fully in the west just at the time where we could destroy our selves as a species

It is interesting that reincarnation became excepted more fully in the west just at the time where we could destroy our selves as a species making a return impossible in our human form. Would we have to start over in this world or another? One of the premises of reincarnation is based on not to radical of a change from one existence to the other, from One Life to the other. Could the anxiety And repulsion We experienced towards war be in part our species way of saving us from our destructive side?

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Exit that we mistakenly got off of

For now this world is a bad exit that we mistakenly got off of , a demolition derby of our worse impulses and desires, it will change far into the future as we evolve. Get back in the highway fool. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Maturity is so disproportionate

Maturity is so disproportionate, for the best results one has to learn to line their cultivated sides up to advance and refine their less developed sides instead of having it cover-up, which is what our society does too often. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 21, 2014

cellophane wrappers

Could the sterilization process of our modern system and the cellophane wrappers that we are all trapped in be part of the reason why as a society we seek so many illusions for an escape. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

We are all powerful descendants of eternity that are expressing it in an unique way.

We are all powerful descendants of eternity that are expressing it in an unique way. We come through one another in an infinite amount of finite ways, at times this stratum reifies and vivifies what we are, other times, it distorts what we are. Reflection allows us to be more discerning as to what we reveal as well as to whom. Since I am posting this on Facebook I am still learning.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

You know you are more whole when you no longer identify

You know you are more whole when you no longer identify with how you react to predatorily deceivers that posed as someone you can trust, though they reflect a sign of our times. You are no longer embittered by such abuse of trust, you see that such act out how they were exploited and abuse as a child by sometimes high functioning in dysfunctional settings overly adoptive parents with superficial facade of caring that abused them. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Sunday, August 10, 2014

A great deal of what you see and believe in the ascend

A great deal of what you see and believe in the ascend is not what is real; you see the reality more fully in the resend. Learn from it and your ascends will be more sustaining and you descend will be more meaningful.

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Be with someone that will incline you to live up to your human creative life affirming potentials

Be with someone that will incline you to live up to your human creative life affirming potentials, inside and out side of the known, not someone that will reenact your family's repressed issues. To do this you have to be willing to face the truth about your family, not idealize them.

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Coexist for a purpose

There are both believers and nonbelievers. They coexist for a purpose. The believers get to cocky in their transcendence, the nonbelievers get to arrogant in their practicality. They keep one another in check and both are on their way to God in their own way.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

If you live more in cyber space

If you live more in cyber space than you do in real space, you are and are leading the way for the modern slaves. Copyright © 2011 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

We have all become slaves to mindless distractions

We have all become slaves to mindless distractions, Facebook, twitter, video games act…. are accelerating are loss of humanity but we are so count up in out doing one another on shallow levels, or gave up. We have replaced meaning with entertainment and loss the sour of our being.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Distortion field

To slow down, see what is going on, really going on, stop you trajectory from the pain, from the distortion field of your family, made of surface and underground hatred, jealousies, resentment, insecurities.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Father give me strength and wisdom so that I may love and care for the innocent, for the good of heart.

Father give me strength and wisdom so that I may love and care for the innocent, for the good of heart. To fulfill why you sent me. Thank you for this life, be with me father so that I may further expand your glory.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sometimes we have to go beyond

Sometimes we have to go beyond the rules to make our culture and our society more of a just place, more humane, more compassionate and sophisticated, that is more aligned with what is noble in us as well as most eternal in us. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Readying your self

Did you ever notice that when you are messing up, going down a path that is not right for you that you are very determine to go down, you get mad at the many strange coincidences that are getting in your way, harassing you, only looking back do you see that it was God calling to you. Rays of light through the clouds of desires in the storms of pain. Only by readying your self for the storm can you act on the signs, stop, next lesson, calm the storm. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Set the conditions to reify

Our society is not a place where we collectively set the conditions to reify what is most real in us, most noble in us, eternal in us, no now it is a place that perverts us, twist us, distorts us. Then our society promises to fix us and to restore us. Who are you going to give your soul to, the government, the state, corporations, institutionalized ideologies, or are you going to struggle against this madness. Perhaps not giving in, being a positive deviant, struggling against this madness while making a living in it, transforming it more than it distorts you with means that are as noble as the ends, perhaps this is the only way to be real now, to live now, to be sane now, not just so called normal. To be sane in the face of overwhelming collative madness cloaked behind sanity. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

depths of our mind are more then mind, much more, the soul

The depths of our mind, unknown depths of our mind are more then mind, much more, the soul, which is part of the core of creation itself translates it’s mysteries through us, through our depths into our dreams, into conditions of our carnation. We come to our self more deeply, sublimely and profoundly as we summons the forces needed to overcome the familiar barriers to this realization. God works most profoundly through our soul, through our self, the ego has to line it self up. We must line all levels of our self up as best we can to fully realize the mysteries of life, our soul, of creation, of God. We belong to life; we expand our society as we vitalize our self, educate our self, know our self, be useful to your soul, to life, not a tool for the status quo. Let the dead bury the dead, you must go on with those willing to live, those who have there roots in life, the life of life, not the pseudo life of death nestled in status and security behind the walls of nominal psychology, morality and religion.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

lchemy of the mind, of the heart, of the soul on all levels

This is not a passive process; it is alchemy of the mind, of the heart, of the soul on all levels. We have to work hard and diligently so as to recognize, appreciate and maximizes the positive forces, the enlightening force, and the expanding forces that are coming into our lives.

Creation is great and sublime in its expanding expressions.

Creation is great and sublime in its expanding expressions. There is more to us then we know; the distortions of the environment of our early life play them selves out in us to some degree all through our life. It starts out while we are in the womb. However our environment provides us with liberating encounters, with people, with works of art, with forces of liberation, that free us more and more from the twisted emotional, psychological, social and cultural distortions of our past, the most powerful ones are the enlighten people we encounter, we meet these people seemingly randomly from early childhood all through our life. Copyright © 2014Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Thursday, June 19, 2014

You feel

Once you start to be real with what you feel, you feel,you exist; you live more deeply sublimely and profoundly. (You cannot change others, or inspire them to be something they are not, or refuse to be, (meaning more genuine), or are afraid to be.) But you can be yourself, be your self more profoundly, deeply, meaningfully. Refusing to be abused, devalued, underrated, and disrespected. Even more than having a great life is having a great life that is yours, the degree for which you are real with life, life is real with you. This starts with how you really feel. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Be real with what you feel

Once you start to be real with what you feel, you feel,you exist; you live more deeply sublimely and profoundly. (You cannot change others, or inspire them to be something they are not, or refuse to be, (meaning more genuine), or are afraid to be.) But you can be yourself, be your self more profoundly, deeply, meaningfully. Refusing to be abused, devalued, underrated, and disrespected. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

In such families,

In such families, with such parents, emotional reactions, even more, the expression of genuine feelings from their children, even as adults, adult children are followed up ( from within) with great shame, guilt and panic. There are unspoken rules against being an autonomous being with your own desires, direction, purpose and identity. Such rules have become internalized. Awareness, staying aware of this and not being shamed to conform or shamed to fall asleep. This is a start for freeing your self. If you do not get this you are an abuser of the worse kind, unfriend me, and piss off!

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Never really felt a home in this world

For me finding a place to belong. I never really felt a home in this world. My family gave me some tender moments, some words of wisdom, but they where small mid pacific islands in a sea of disparagement, ridicule and words of abuse, that ripped through my emotions and into my soul.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


One thing that I have Learned in my 51 years on earth is that when you have emotional pain due Abuse neglect and or unfulfillment from your past though the world will tell you to push it down to forget about it is best to feel it acknowledge it and respect The signal that it is offering you this signal that is telling you to listen to your past pain so as not to Continue it, continues to be blind to it and tolerated in your present. To stop being subjected to it in abusive family members and and willfully blind and neglectful family members and friends. Best of face acknowledge it in your heart then staying blind to it and re-living it it over and over again until your potential, time and soul dwindle. Your Higher faculties Kickin once you face your pain. Once you acknowledge your pain and set limits and stay by them. From here you higher desires come in bringing them to pass and fulfilling your debths instead of frustrating you by maintaining your allusions. The paradox it is by facing your pain you also face what your real desires are and they come into focus into being.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Friday, February 07, 2014

When every you are emotionally attuned to a child

When every you are emotionally attuned to a child, you are not only making a healthy brain and frontal cortex, you are giving life back to life in it most purest form. This creates as well as expands such of a positive cycle of life.

We are the chrysalis cells

With every thought, feeling, emotion, workings of our mind from our depths we not only transform this agreed upon illusion based on fear we call reality in unknown ways, in such sublimes acts we transfigurate it. We are the chrysalis cells, the door to a new system, in which we are interconnected in and through what is most vital in us. Resistance along the way will deepen as well as strengthen you for it is your teacher; it pushes you to originate, this gives you the way, the lead out side of the herd.

Dare to imagine and except your own reality

Dare to imagine and except your own reality, a more freer, vivid, clearer, reality, more sublime, more reasonable, passionate with increase capacity for life’s many known as well as unknown complexities, and other living forces of the soul, in our depths that come forth in their own unique ways that are not immediately revealed to us. Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

Thursday, February 06, 2014

I say brain to mind is like clock to time.

In News Week this month there is an article that says children are little mad men, since they do not have developed frontal cortexes. This so-called science explains why children cannot pay attention and because of their lack of brain devolvement they are in an eternal here and now. Adults need not drive them self crazy being attuned to this madness. What non sense. I say brain to mind is like clock to time. No one really understands time. Nor do we know what we measure; the same is true for the mind. We have a flawed belief that if we understand our brain we will understand our self and our human condition more. We measure something we do not understand and draw conclusions. Plus we act as if the brain is not shaped by its epigenesist. This science might make people better manipulators as sales people of all sorts. Let not fool our selves and fall asleep for good. Anthony Cavuoti 2/6/14

Why are the so-called most liberal people the most harshest, and ridged in their judgments as well as in their understandings, they pretend to be wise, excepting, generous yet use the most conventional tools and standards and are the most blind to anything original.

Why are the so-called most liberal people the most harshest, and ridged in their judgments as well as in their understandings, they pretend to be wise, excepting, generous yet use the most conventional tools and standards and are the most blind to anything original.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Saturday, February 01, 2014

be prepared to be slandered, pathologized

If you see the corruption, the incompetence in a place be prepared to be slandered, pathologized, analyzed by the twisted logic of the deceivers, they will use the tools of law, of psychology, to make their issues your issue. For you threaten to take away their grand deception from deceiving others. They will try to kill you and call you a killer. You cannot change a Thomas Mann The Magic Mountain alone. Leave the corruption. That is how their gimmick starts to crumble.

More of life as we go on.

Life is alive. We encounter more of it as we go on. Sometimes in unexpected directions. As we go we encounter our self, more of life, sometimes directly, sometimes with others who do not know the extent of their presence and meaning. There is always the betrayers, the deceivers, the arrogant and jealous. We learn to protect, cherish and defend the life of life was we see through their fronts. We gain as we go on to more fulfilling encounters armed with more sight, heart, mind, presence and soul. Our obstacles give us the abilities to free others from the games of the lost that believe them self set in their false adaptations. You are free to encounter life on your own terms, that is from your core and no longer beholden to the false perceptions of the pretenders, of the status quo.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

External processes of how our minds’ and depths influence to one another on deeper levels all of the time

You Tub. Face book, Google, Twitter are external processes of how our minds’ and depths influence to one another on deeper levels all of the time. Right now it is crude, immature, as well as for the most part degrading. But it is the beginning of this embryogenesis that reflect depths and realities all ready in us.