Saturday, December 27, 2014

Being dyslexic I really experience what hypocrites people and institutions are

Being dyslexic I really experience what hypocrites people and institutions are. Right from the start I recalled vividly how I knew I should spell but was unable to. I tried but was baffled by the entangled puzzlement of such of a seemingly simple task that on some levels I knew I had the intelligence to master. I needed someone to help me, to make sense of this, someone that understood for I could not understand what was happening and why it was. The same was true for reading but even worse, for my difficulties in reading were just as profound but this vulnerability of my learning style was always made public in front of the class and the teachers had no shame in how they shamed me as well as embarrassed me by having me fail so crushingly so very often reading infrunt of the class, as an exercise and then later as a punishment. My kindergarten, first and second grade teachers where terrible sadistic old spinsters who's hostility and indifference knew no boundaries. Thrird forth and fifth grade teachers were not as bad but the worce of all was the Neo Nazi of a sixth-grade teacher Miss Schmidt. Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

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