Thursday, February 06, 2014

I say brain to mind is like clock to time.

In News Week this month there is an article that says children are little mad men, since they do not have developed frontal cortexes. This so-called science explains why children cannot pay attention and because of their lack of brain devolvement they are in an eternal here and now. Adults need not drive them self crazy being attuned to this madness. What non sense. I say brain to mind is like clock to time. No one really understands time. Nor do we know what we measure; the same is true for the mind. We have a flawed belief that if we understand our brain we will understand our self and our human condition more. We measure something we do not understand and draw conclusions. Plus we act as if the brain is not shaped by its epigenesist. This science might make people better manipulators as sales people of all sorts. Let not fool our selves and fall asleep for good. Anthony Cavuoti 2/6/14

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