Sunday, March 30, 2014


One thing that I have Learned in my 51 years on earth is that when you have emotional pain due Abuse neglect and or unfulfillment from your past though the world will tell you to push it down to forget about it is best to feel it acknowledge it and respect The signal that it is offering you this signal that is telling you to listen to your past pain so as not to Continue it, continues to be blind to it and tolerated in your present. To stop being subjected to it in abusive family members and and willfully blind and neglectful family members and friends. Best of face acknowledge it in your heart then staying blind to it and re-living it it over and over again until your potential, time and soul dwindle. Your Higher faculties Kickin once you face your pain. Once you acknowledge your pain and set limits and stay by them. From here you higher desires come in bringing them to pass and fulfilling your debths instead of frustrating you by maintaining your allusions. The paradox it is by facing your pain you also face what your real desires are and they come into focus into being.

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