Sunday, March 31, 2019

As distinct original individuals are uniqueness is outside of the known ways

As distinct original individuals are uniqueness is outside of the known ways that most relate to one another, yet the fire is in the flint, the latent potentials are there. They exist as potentials waiting to be released, but it will take sustained energy, daring and confidence to manifest them. There is an irresistible drive in you to make something happen, there is something that is you, like breathing, it is your essence that the energy of your life strives to express, sometimes you have to created or be part of the collective process that allows the conditions of it, the latent potentials of yourself and others to come forth, other times the conditions are right and it requires less effort and risk; less, not no daring, effort, risk and courage. Imagine how far you could go if you gave an all out effort even in the best of circumstances. Copyright © 2019 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved

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