Saturday, November 14, 2015

All acts of Violence stem from child-abuse, insidious forms of child abuse;

All acts of Violence stem from child-abuse, insidious forms of child abuse; the abusive parent and abuse child are not even aware of this most of the time. The adult child perpetrates what was done upon them. They come up with all sorts of rationales. Just like the people that think spankings, shaming and depriving love is Okay, come up with all sorts of seemingly logical and sophisticated rationales. Most of our brain development happens from pre- natal to four years: Once damage is done it this part of the brain forever, the cerebral cortex higher functioning simply rationalizes the destructive impulses. The abused child is forced to fight this headwind for the rest of their life. By facing our own child abuse, neglect and all its insidious forms and we really feel what we felt as children, not what we were told to feel or think we should feel, than we no longer perpetrate and we are able see through of the mendacity, manipulations, destructive games and ignorance of others.

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