Monday, January 19, 2015


In some of my writings, I am speaking to the human potential, not as what we are instead what we potentially are, what is latent in us. I am not speaking to our envious nature. At other times I look life directly in the eyes and see us as we are, behind the pretense, the charades and the masks. This is the latter. I've noticed that when I go out with a black lady, say to the movie theater, some of the looks I get from some middle class couples, is just unbelievable. The contempt they cannot conceal is pathetic. But when I get these looks when I'm with my children I really have a low opinion of some of human nature. The pre-judgement which I receive from them is worse than a pre-judgement blind ignorance I received when I was a dyslexic child in narrow minded grammar school in the 60s and 70s with and bitter, ridge and narrowminded teachers. Of course, most of the time I ignore the ignorant bastards as I enjoy my time with my love ones. But I see, it I feel it. Like a stench,I cannot not notice it. I really appreciate the few, the very few that have a higher estimate of human nature and authentically live it.

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