Thursday, January 31, 2013

Coming to this life through a pile of

Coming to this life through a pile of Some men, some women, no most are so caught in the stupidity, in the abusive ways of their emotionally stunted parents. Some new borns are going to be subjected to these ignorant fools all of their life. Such poor retches will believe they must honor this sh**. That their salvation depends of such Sh**. It would have been better not to have been born. What miserable brave souls? Abortion is an act of mercy for such.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

beyond anything we know we are

We are great beyond anything we know we are. We use God, and God uses us as well to help others in ways we do not imagine, fully see, or appreciate. God loves us as we are, but God really sublimely loves us as we allow our selves to be love in God, in our defective misguided but divinely guided ways, while be believe, dream, struggle, work, pray and try, fail, succeed.

Be the world, the life that you want to die to, to be born into

We are world shakers, shakers, life shakers choose bravely, deeply, what is real to your depths, what you believe in, stand for the truth, the longings, the life that you know is real behind the curtain of dying masks. Rid your self from their ignorance, the arrogance, the evil, the buffoonery, the blindness, the self-worshipping from those of your past. Be free, Be real, be vital, be alive, real in life, in your soul. Only selfish people try to make you feel guilty, selfish. Be the world, the life that you want to die to, to be born into, live in. Be it, become it. Some people I never want to share any part of my life with again. I move past this pain of fools playing god. Looking forwards to new people, as well as the self I will be without being contaminated by their evil masked as family, as friends, as lovers, as education, as caring, as importance, as duty, a salvation, as race, as good, as love.

Be the world, the life that you want to die to, to be born into, live in.

We are world shakers, shakers, life shakers choose bravely, deeply, what is real to your depths, what you believe in, stand for the truth, the longings, the life that you know is real behind the curtain of dying masks. Rid your self from their ignorance, the arrogance, the evil, the buffoonery, the blindness, the self worshipping from those of your past. Be free, Be real, be vital, be alive, real in life, in your soul. Only selfish people try to make you feel guilty, selfish. Be the world, the life that you want to die to, to be born into, live in. be it become it, some people I never want to share any part of my life with again. I move past this pain of fools playing god. Look forwards to new people, as well as the self I will be without being contaminated by their evil masked as good, as love.

Monday, January 28, 2013

slow down so as to see it and apply it

We all are creation, the uncertainty of our existence is the uncertainty that we collectively agreed up on some levels from which we knew a great deal more, and now that we have been through it we know better now. Now we set forth on new adventures. To be real with your self, with your depths, you have to do what is needed for your self to be vital as well as to slow down so as to see it and apply it. We can never undo all of the pains and frustrations from the past that formed our developing, adaptive minds here. Pain, frustration, ignorance, lower levels are faster here than wisdom, slow down, reflect, regain your balance your center, your composure, your self, slow down without falling asleep. Fit your self into rituals of vitality that keep you running without being trapped in them.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

eternity and infinity

We may get locked into certain limiting games and contingencies for a while but are minds like our souls are infinite energy systems; they encompass eternity and infinity.

Perfect yourself in some of the legitimate ways of striving

Perfect yourself in some of the legitimate ways of striving. Do not mistake winning or being the best as perfecting, as making progress are steroid culture taught us to see beyond that deception.

Create a virtuous cycle

Create a virtuous cycle in who you are, in how you carry your self, conduct your self, in all that you are, by doing so of course of obvious benefits of discipline and congruence but you also summons deeper forces of creation that might never be understood. Do this as much as you can with love, kindness, morality and reflection and life will add to you as you add to it.

New ways to know one another

When we die it is over, but the soul's life of life goes on for an infinite existence, still most of us return to be born right here on earth or in some worlds in some other universes that are very similar. Most will continue their destructive abusive patterns. For what, for more way for the races to abuse one another, yes to know one another and love one another. New ways to abuse each other, yes and knew ways to care for one another, as well as to appreciate one another.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

You are a very powerful force in the universe

You are a very powerful multidimensional force in the universe clothed in your life now.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

We are shedding the false perceptions of our selves

We are shedding the false perceptions of our selves that we were tricked into mistaken as our self in this metrics we call reality. As we gain ourselves through the stirrings of our depths that we act upon in creative acts and works we free our selves and reality is more of a reflection of our depths and not of the false currency we call real. But these are words, only words, God is always with us, we do not see it all now, but we will. Still we intuit it, this is one of Gods many real gifts to us, much wiser that all the experts and brilliant leaders of human nature.

All that we have is our faith

All that we have is our faith. We have faith in our body, in our mind, in the working of the world, some. But ultimately it is our faith in our selves,in love ones in the universe, in creation in God that we hold onto through it and to it.

Emotional life

Is your emotional life a puddle, a pond, a lake, an ocean? When a bolder hits it does it displace everything? Do you move with the world or around the world, does a storm affect all of you or a part of you? Are you deep, do you create as well as sustain an ecology of life?

The rest is consolation

Do you get horny when you’re angry? Do you get horny when you’re depressed? When you are shamed. When you’re scared. This reflects how you where really treated as a child, the atmosphere where your emotional life was formed. The Body can not lie. Feelings reflect this. We are made to connect sexually out of a desire for closeness, for union, for giving of your self fully. The body draws us to the closeness, to the bliss of pure being.

You are in heaven

If you have people in your life that you love, You are in heaven. If you have any of your senses, see, hear, touch, taste, you are in heaven. If you cherish children in your life or if you ever did you are in heaven. If you can breed you are in God and God is in you, you are in heaven. When you recognize, when you know heaven here you well know it when you past into it once this portion of your life is over. Do not pass through it, know it now. Make the effort, dare. Anthony Cavuoti 11/21/13

Saturday, January 19, 2013

I die a little but live a lot.

The best of sex is when we surrender while being, for me, to her, by doing so I surrender to life, to her being, her dreams, her drama, to her abuse, to her love, to her tenderness, to God to life. Never am I more active, more potent, more alive, I die a little but live a lot. Parrallity

One of the things wrong

One of the things wrong with our country, perhaps all of western civilization is that we think educated people have the answers for us and that we can not compete with their premises they call facts or reality. Premises that were made in ridged systems. Education is great; it stretches as well as expands the mind out of some outdated mindsets; paradoxically what it also does is narrow ones focus into perspectives and or a dogmatic outlooks on things one mistakens for the rest of their life as reality and the truth. A dogmatic lens of any kind forever blocks one from seeing new things, new insights, as well as the truths that are very obvious to people that where not interfered with. Educated people might have a mastery of one small aspect of their field but loose the big picture. They possess too much ego, to much anxiety to stand-alone and too little abilities to integrate the information of other fields. What is needed is rational thinking and informed people. Such people will use the laws, information, new discoveries and the system not only for their own self-interest but for their country as well.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Find ways

Find parts of your life that you are passive about that are not giving you satisfaction and find ways to be active about.

Miracles really do happen

Miracles really do happen; I am not talking abstractly or metaphysically. I was doing very poorly in high school, then one night the vision of my book Parrallity came to me, it gave me the confidence to share my ideas as well as my story with my teachers. They shared my ideas and story with professors, which in turn assisted me in into getting into a great college despite my very, very, very severe dyslexia. Now I am doing well in my profession. Many Blessings and Miracles to all that read my Book.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

God works with all of us in very unique and person ways

God works with all of us in very unique and person ways, that is why we are prone to be superstitious at times. God is still perfect and is working perfectly through us even when we are not.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

continents of your self

Deal with life’s annoyances on the continents of your better sides, of your self, of your soul, of your wisdom, not on the narrow one-way bridge of the worse part of your ego. Anthony Cavuoti Copy right

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

If your past remains’ repressed or suppressed

If your past remains’ repressed or suppressed, and you do not face, feel, and reclaim your self from it, you will forever be reliving the past in the present without even knowing it while projecting your past into others so as to avoid it. This is sad, very sad. If you have enough faith in your self, in life and in God to face your past you will really live life instead of constantly reliving the past.

Monday, January 07, 2013

No matter where you are I am always with you.

No matter where you are I am always with you. 

When you are lost, I have you.

When you are apprehensive, I comfort you.

When you are uncertain, I am solid.

When you are alone, I am with you.

When others slander you and persecute you I cherish you.

 I do not judge you. 

As you come closer to me you free yourself from the vanities and illusions that you mistaken as real.  

Sunday, January 06, 2013

You are not responsible for the feelings and emotions outside

You are not responsible for the weather outside but you are responsible for finding a way to deal with it; the some is true for your feelings, emotions and attitudes.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

behind you

 The present, and future is clearer when what behind you is illuminated .  


You do not have to stay in the climate that you where born in, though most do; the same is true for our emotional states, attitudes and ego states. 

Weather outside

You are not responsible for the weather outside but you are responsible for finding a way to deal with them, the some is true for your feelings, emotions and attitudes.

Free others as well as our selves

It would be great to forget about the past, but God made us from it in part so we not only have to deal with it but use it to free others as well as our selves.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Practice respecting nature, your self, others, healing your self from the damage of the ignorance

Practice respecting nature, your self, others, healing your self from the damage of the ignorance you were exposed to at times as a child, most of all practice putting the spirit of life, of being, of becoming, of God into everything, all of the time. 

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Sometimes our faith, our hopes, and believes feel as if they are the size of a muster seed, for the most part you are being inundated by past feelings and emotional states.

Sometimes our faith, our hopes, and believes feel as if they are the size of a muster seed, for the most part you are being inundated by past feelings and emotional states.  What you are feeling is the some aggregate of the emotional atmospheres that permeated you while you were in the womb, as an infant and as a child, while your brain was developing. These past exposures determined the states of mind that would be your templates for the rest of your life.  The reality of our past becomes part of our structure. You are not their now, it only feels that way.  You are shaped this way in part to transform this way, to transfigure this way, to stop it from being passed on.  This is my best guess for now.