Sunday, September 09, 2012

This here and now goes on forever

Some say there is no heaven, there is no hell, all there is, is this, right here.  In a sense they are right, this here and now is all that we have. However, this here and now goes on forever, we desire to land in a place where our here and now is more in accordance, more able to fulfill our desires, our longings, our depths, a here and now that is more fulfilling to our soul, more in accordance with our inner most being, with the unique expression of creation we all are.   We do not travel alone, such as life, we travel in clusters of overlapping similarities.  We want to leave this world better than how we entered it, we desire to go to worlds better than this, or enter this world from a better place; were we can experience a wider range of fulfilling experiences. Even heaven or nirvana, above both birth and death, sin and desire, are new births into higher realms of being, perhaps fulfilling even higher, more subtle desires in even greater harmony.

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