Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We are under the impression that strain and pushing are the way and or to get into seemingly impossible situations which force us to summons the strength to live, to get past, the obstacles, to survive. This was perhaps how we obtain our tools in the past, our religions, spiritual practices and cultural traditions.

There is another way, we are in a blossomed portion of the tree of life. Most of what is real we do not perceive with our senses. Imagination is our guiding force. It both creates the reality of our life and puts us in it. It is time to imagine other worlds for our selves and together, more loving, exciting, adventurous, passionate worlds, realms, existences.We are gathering more of our imagination, more insight, more passion, more will, more spirit of creation itself. In each life, here, as well as to come we are living out more of creation together.

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