As we are being raised, as our minds, brains, and bodies are being formed, those who have the most influence on us are being stressed on many levels. These external stresses become internalized into our neurological and psychological formation. Through out our formation or development these stresses run interference in us. (as we become mature, processes of the mind generally become less automatic, on the other hand the I that experiences life, this sense of self becomes more intentional.)
We human beings pick up on language without much if any effort. We perpetuate all of the syntactic evolutions of the particular language we inherited in our own unique way with all of its strengths and limitation. The undercurrent to all the above is that without knowing it we carry out a false agenda, we become Trojan horses with out knowing it. Behind our sense of self, our identity, our goals, our beliefs, our values, our intentions, what we hold to be sacred and true, behind all of this we are unconsciously carrying out our parents, our culture's our race's, and our economic class immaturities, prejudices, hatreds) in deference to our own temperament and person attributes,
There is a unspoken taboo about self awareness, of being your own self agent, of being centered enough, calm enough, strong enough, deep enough, intentional enough to form a sense of self that reflects your own intrinsic reality and of expressing, of experiencing your unique sense of self, your unique personal reality.
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