Friday, May 06, 2022

Fire breathing dragon

As a child I thought, father your pain is so much, when I grow up, I will turn into a fire breathing dragon and burn this world down, this world that caused you so much pain and suffering. I shall save you from your pain father, I shall be a messiah, I shall wrap your pain with meaning and give you a glorious legacy and climax into glory. As an adult, I was a terrible flying fire breathing dinosaur. I feel bad for burning down the cities like Godzilla, and all the other monsters. To me all the other monsters seemed so terrible, so misguided, so unsophisticated. So, I turn myself into a new biotech tree, I would like to say flower but I’m really a tree, that absorbs the poisons from the world. My trunk and branches are strong green life. I’m still growing, what I am turning into I do not know, I just know that this way is more intrinsically satisfying for me. I am chasing light, I am breathing life.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Stealing from Theodore Reik

Whenever we make important decisions, that is our life defining decisions, that ultimately determine our destiny and who and what we are, we have to trust our inner nature, we cannot do this consciously weighing the pros and cons of such monumental decisions. For the deeper decisions that determine what we will ultimately become we have to depend on forces deep within us to give us the answers and direction, that is our unconscious. Decades ago, I decided to become a psychotherapist, with all of its pros and cons. I have encountered many monumental roadblocks and obstacles as well as many moments of unparalleled joy and satisfaction. When people ask me are you sure you made the right decision? “Yes, very sure.” But what about this and what about that? “Whatever!!!” Are you sure, completely sure about what you’re doing and what you’re becoming? Is the iceberg going against strong headwinds certain that the ocean current is stronger? Do I ever doubt myself, yes often I think I must be insane, to have dyslexia as bad as I do, attempting such a profession, a profession that if done right compels one to face oneself, to look at ones contradictions and to resolve oneself? But my madness has many advantages, my unconscious pushed me against seemingly overwhelming headwinds, my inner nature of course knows me better than the world around me and what I believe myself to be.

Sunday, November 07, 2021

Boundless unleashed energetic lesbian flow

Boundless unleashed energetic lesbian flow Your hair is flowing free as the wind. Your bodies grooven like seaweed in the riptide. Your girlfriends eyes are sticking daggers in me. Don’t want to fight or compete. I’m so caught in your undertow. I’m so alive being dragged out to where I do not know. Caught in the current of your unleash boundless energetic lesbian flow. Drowning in the foaming whitewater of your unleashed energetic lesbian flow. Paralyze with titillation from head to toe. Becoming one with your boundless energy unleashed lesbian flow. It’s so great when you realize you’re not a rock or a plant that grow, but that you are an endless supply of melting snow. That you’re an ocean of a lake that you cannot control. That your a prisoner and one with your unleashed boundless ineffable energetic lesbian flow. Feel it, I am it more than it show, you’re male incarnation of your boundless unleash energy flow. Reach the point of no return. The woman in me is more than free. The water has now become the tea. No ego, no expectations, enjoying you in the moment, no limit For I am fully in it. Surrendering to the current of boundless unleashed energetic lesbian flow. Tearing down walls with my boundless unleashed energetic lesbian flow. I am an incarnation of boundless unleashed energetic lesbian flow. I am not a God to crucify. I am just a newly formed being on a natural high. The fire in my flint was sparked as you grooved on by. I hope this is still a hello and not a goodbye. Boundless unleashed energetic lesbian flow will never die. So hello again and not goodbye. © 2021

Monday, November 01, 2021

Christians do not love Jesus so much as they share a Rome.

It is not that most people in the West believe in Jesus/Christ, the world would be a much better place if that was so, it is that unconsciously they still fear Rome. We still fear Rome. Most of the so-called Christians have a childlike compulsive dependency to continual to serve a neglectful and abusive dysfunctional power hierarchy, with blind obedience and loyalty that has nothing to do with real love. The cross came hundreds of years after Christ death. Jesus preach love in a sadistic time and place in world history, in a culture and society that exacerbated and institutionalized indifference to human life. You think transgender people are stretching it today, could you imagine in a place where murder was the norm, were mercy was an unforgivable weakness and vice, and then this person comes along, challenging the hierarchies, what people believed, even of his culture, and its leaders, and preaching love, seeing through lies, deceptions and mendacity. Perhaps Jesus realize there was so much fear instilled in the people of his time, so much slave loyalty to Cesar, to the emperor, to their king, and Jesus knowing that his view of reality was much more aligned with reality and satisfying and use the symbols of the time to express his message. The emperors thought they were God, the only way to get a cross, I mean across on this hierarchy was to proclaim yourself as God on earth. Could you picture Mary saying to Jesus, “you’re such a fucking bitch why don’t you just take some testosterone. Cuts your hair and pick up a sword, stop fucking around with those degenerates. If you’re going to babble such bullshit stick with your own fucking kind.” Wait a second, this sounds like, fuck, people from where I’m from, except I assure the fuck am not Jesus. Jesus. Christ didn’t fear Rome why should you. He wasn’t tripping about an afterlife; he was all about not taking yourself seriously and enjoying one another here and now. He really preached life before death and if you can’t find it here that is life, love, compassion and free yourself from a tyrannical hierarchy sure the fuck you are not going to find it there. Most of the early Christians believe that Jesus was not the incarnation of God, most believe that he was a very powerful incarnation or emanation of God. Emperor Constantine realized that this will not control society well, being an opportunist, he sided with the competing powers of the early church that were aligned with his political ambitions, hence, Rome once again usurped Christianity. We are still feeling it’s barbaric affect.© 2021

Thursday, October 08, 2020

Well adjusted, psychologically well-adjusted, Just following orders,

Well adjusted, psychologically well-adjusted, Just following orders, When they found out that they were on the list to be on the train Some fell apart, succumb to the spare. Manny resigned themselves to their fate A few became spiritual, integrate their depths, expressed it lovingly on the highest level possible. Some wanted to take out some of the gards, He said, to the guards, he said it’s so loud that even their superiors heard. Do you know you’re going to pay a price for this that’s going to last lifetimes, affect your soul more than you know. Doing the evil biding of the machine ,it’s worse than suicide you’re becoming irreversibly a part of something, losing yourself and doing something that’s completely opposite of what you were created to be. You’re okay with it, unaware of it that’s the worst form of hell.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Pursuit of happiness.

The rights and guarantees that made us a great country are being undermined at an accelerating rate. The only way out, is out with the surveillance, stop with the undercover control, the manipulation, the coercion perpetuating obedience, this degree of condescension cannot sustain a viable population. People need to be educated, to be free to think and pursue their own happiness, which was a revolutionary breakthrough, this means privacy to pursue ones line of happiness free from the control and coercion of others, that includes our very government. True so called mental health is the ability not only to fulfill your rational human desires, we are not children; we are equally rational and irrational, coming to terms with all sides of ourselves is essential while concealing some from those dangerous self-righteous deluded pseudo moralistic egotist that would use them against you, to hurt you, so as to quench their own irrational needs for power and control. Constant monitoring has forced us into obedience, true Mental health cannot take place in such a restrictive environment, are current social reality, stripped of its constitutional guarantees, is not conducive for adult development. Constantly living in fear and hiding, from capricious judgments of unknown shifting authorities, that most others adhere to, is deleterious to our intellectual, moral and developmental growth. Will we be saturated children distracted by games and humiliating modern gladiatorial spectacles.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Each day creation is fresh new and wonderf

Each day creation is fresh new and wonderful. Creation begins and renews itself each moment. Creation awakens more expands, integrates more while all of its parts being more unique, is more sophisticated, more vivid, creation is more aware of, more alive to aspects of it self