Sunday, November 07, 2021

Boundless unleashed energetic lesbian flow

Boundless unleashed energetic lesbian flow Your hair is flowing free as the wind. Your bodies grooven like seaweed in the riptide. Your girlfriends eyes are sticking daggers in me. Don’t want to fight or compete. I’m so caught in your undertow. I’m so alive being dragged out to where I do not know. Caught in the current of your unleash boundless energetic lesbian flow. Drowning in the foaming whitewater of your unleashed energetic lesbian flow. Paralyze with titillation from head to toe. Becoming one with your boundless energy unleashed lesbian flow. It’s so great when you realize you’re not a rock or a plant that grow, but that you are an endless supply of melting snow. That you’re an ocean of a lake that you cannot control. That your a prisoner and one with your unleashed boundless ineffable energetic lesbian flow. Feel it, I am it more than it show, you’re male incarnation of your boundless unleash energy flow. Reach the point of no return. The woman in me is more than free. The water has now become the tea. No ego, no expectations, enjoying you in the moment, no limit For I am fully in it. Surrendering to the current of boundless unleashed energetic lesbian flow. Tearing down walls with my boundless unleashed energetic lesbian flow. I am an incarnation of boundless unleashed energetic lesbian flow. I am not a God to crucify. I am just a newly formed being on a natural high. The fire in my flint was sparked as you grooved on by. I hope this is still a hello and not a goodbye. Boundless unleashed energetic lesbian flow will never die. So hello again and not goodbye. © 2021

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