Sunday, September 20, 2020

Pursuit of happiness.

The rights and guarantees that made us a great country are being undermined at an accelerating rate. The only way out, is out with the surveillance, stop with the undercover control, the manipulation, the coercion perpetuating obedience, this degree of condescension cannot sustain a viable population. People need to be educated, to be free to think and pursue their own happiness, which was a revolutionary breakthrough, this means privacy to pursue ones line of happiness free from the control and coercion of others, that includes our very government. True so called mental health is the ability not only to fulfill your rational human desires, we are not children; we are equally rational and irrational, coming to terms with all sides of ourselves is essential while concealing some from those dangerous self-righteous deluded pseudo moralistic egotist that would use them against you, to hurt you, so as to quench their own irrational needs for power and control. Constant monitoring has forced us into obedience, true Mental health cannot take place in such a restrictive environment, are current social reality, stripped of its constitutional guarantees, is not conducive for adult development. Constantly living in fear and hiding, from capricious judgments of unknown shifting authorities, that most others adhere to, is deleterious to our intellectual, moral and developmental growth. Will we be saturated children distracted by games and humiliating modern gladiatorial spectacles.

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