Thursday, October 08, 2020

Well adjusted, psychologically well-adjusted, Just following orders,

Well adjusted, psychologically well-adjusted, Just following orders, When they found out that they were on the list to be on the train Some fell apart, succumb to the spare. Manny resigned themselves to their fate A few became spiritual, integrate their depths, expressed it lovingly on the highest level possible. Some wanted to take out some of the gards, He said, to the guards, he said it’s so loud that even their superiors heard. Do you know you’re going to pay a price for this that’s going to last lifetimes, affect your soul more than you know. Doing the evil biding of the machine ,it’s worse than suicide you’re becoming irreversibly a part of something, losing yourself and doing something that’s completely opposite of what you were created to be. You’re okay with it, unaware of it that’s the worst form of hell.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Pursuit of happiness.

The rights and guarantees that made us a great country are being undermined at an accelerating rate. The only way out, is out with the surveillance, stop with the undercover control, the manipulation, the coercion perpetuating obedience, this degree of condescension cannot sustain a viable population. People need to be educated, to be free to think and pursue their own happiness, which was a revolutionary breakthrough, this means privacy to pursue ones line of happiness free from the control and coercion of others, that includes our very government. True so called mental health is the ability not only to fulfill your rational human desires, we are not children; we are equally rational and irrational, coming to terms with all sides of ourselves is essential while concealing some from those dangerous self-righteous deluded pseudo moralistic egotist that would use them against you, to hurt you, so as to quench their own irrational needs for power and control. Constant monitoring has forced us into obedience, true Mental health cannot take place in such a restrictive environment, are current social reality, stripped of its constitutional guarantees, is not conducive for adult development. Constantly living in fear and hiding, from capricious judgments of unknown shifting authorities, that most others adhere to, is deleterious to our intellectual, moral and developmental growth. Will we be saturated children distracted by games and humiliating modern gladiatorial spectacles.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Each day creation is fresh new and wonderf

Each day creation is fresh new and wonderful. Creation begins and renews itself each moment. Creation awakens more expands, integrates more while all of its parts being more unique, is more sophisticated, more vivid, creation is more aware of, more alive to aspects of it self

Monday, September 07, 2020

Setting the conditions for our real birth.

We are always headed towards a forever expanding state of completion, always increasing our range of intensifying and fulfilling our desires as well as transcending, metamorphosing, giving birth to more subtle desires that can only be fulfilled if other beings cultivate the full range of their faculties equal to our own. Society should set the conditions for this to happen, instead our current state of affairs only allows those with certain traits, characteristics and attributes to have access to the opportunities to cultivate the full range of their human powers and attributes. The system intentionally has everybody fighting for their own particular and this part time amateur fighting of increasing political polarization ends up becoming another form of entertainment, of pop social cultural distraction, another social manipulation that demands are full attention. Metaphorically, each of us is a unique expression of an eternal force that is everything. All that extends out from it is always still in it. Yet in its infinite nature, it appears that we can separate from it, experience it with others evolving interpretation of it, slowly we create the conditions were by we can more accurately reflect it. The eternal force is analogous to a kaleidoscope, each of us is a different turn of the colors, with different patterns. Is your kaleidoscope your family upbringing, the abuse and trauma you experienced as a child, the neglect you suffered all through your life? You could die of thirst in the ocean, and you could die of unfulfillment in relationships, in work that doesn’t excite. Your fear of going on your own even further. All of this is beam end. A particular distorted reflection we call reality. It is true, early behavior patterns are set and they’re very hard to change. Justice true when you came into this world there is so much more to you than what you were condition to identify with. How many catalyst do you think you might have missed that would’ve awaken you to different potential’s? External encounters that awaken something dormant within us, something intrinsic, once awakened it grows into life through you. Therapy is more than reflection and emotional attunement; it is a catalyst. Sometimes the abyss of trauma, poor parenting, abusive relationships are the very catalyst that propels us into higher levels of awareness, empathy and being. Living out fully that invisible, eternal something that is you, right here and now in the very brief span of this life. It is up to you to make the most of it. Processing your trauma, your past, your feelings is the beginning, clearing the path for you to emerge is what it’s all about. The more you let yourself be seen, the more you grow down into what you really are. Buddha, we have endless opportunities, over and over to live out past our current beam end, to live out, for us to set the conditions for us to, more fully live out our innermost subjectivity, in wonder and delight with others. Christ, quest, purpose, for a higher humanity, more evolved forms of being, Love that transcends, if you stand for what is most true in yourself, the world, the beam ends of this world will be hostile against you. Still go onto other more distant beam ends, now, in this life, here. You make it real in other worlds, in other existences, in other systems, in other realms in your striving to make it real here, in the midst of the overwhelming insurmountable circumstances that you are experiencing right now.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Healing from family systems

Supportive understanding with emotional attunement, releases dormant forces, that allows you to more fully develop your own tools and confidence to feel your Family of origin emotional blockages, heal without being overwhelmed so as to process through, to Liberate you from the restraints of family issues, and to actualize the positive tendencies of your own innate potential's.

Monday, February 24, 2020

My life philosophy

My life philosophy Each of us is a kaleidoscopic beam, the beam ends with us, but the kaleidoscope is always changing. So we are always changing, as a species and as a unique being, each one of us is unique that is why I use the kaleidoscope as a metaphor, each of us is a different turn of the colors, with different patterns. Is your kaleidoscope your family upbringing, the abuse and trauma you experienced as a child, the neglect you suffered all through your life? You could die of thirst in the ocean, and you could die of unfulfillment in relationships, in work that doesn’t excite. Your fear of going on your own even further. All of this is beam end. It is true, early behavior patterns are set and they’re very hard to change. Justice true when you came into this world there is so much more to you than what you were condition to identify with. How many catalyst do you think you might have missed that would’ve awaken you to different potential’s? External encounters that awaken something dormant within us, something intrinsic, once awakened it grows into life through you. Therapy is more than reflection and emotional attunement; it is a catalyst. Sometimes the abyss of trauma, poor parenting, abusive relationships are the very catalyst that propels us into higher levels of awareness, empathy and being. Living out fully that invisible, eternal something that is you, right here and now in the very brief span of this life. It is up to you to make the most of it. Processing your trauma, your past, your feelings is the beginning, clearing the path for you to emerge is what it’s all about. I provide you with the environment, the dialogue and awareness for you to find your own answers to your own mystery and desires so as to live them as fully as you wish. As long as no one gets hurt you’re allowed to challenge the social norms that distort you. You’re allowed to know the truth of your life, feel what you feel, to connect with the eternity of your soul and translate it through the desires of this life, of this beam end in the most satisfying way for you. The more you let yourself be seen, the more you grow down into what you really are. I share my wisdom, help you see through some of the limits imposed upon yourself, to imagine what you do want and go for it regardless of what the other thoughts and those around you are saying. Notice how you talk yourself out of what you really want. I am the one that is going to challenge you to challenge that thinking, those behavior patterns, moods and attitudes, and to go after what you really want. When you talk to most people about what you really desire, what you are risking to make real and how you feel exposed, what you really are striving for, who you secretly really are, externally those that you share this with will give you what sounds like reasonable honest feedback, but when you talk to such people it is simply a place for your inner self to die a little. Let’s reverse this process and bring you to life even more. Inoculate you from those that infect you with their limitations.