Saturday, May 12, 2018

Very Young and very old

The music of the very young and the very old harmonize, synthesize, very sublimely. The very young recently arrived from the spirit realm, the elders are close to re-emerging with it. The very young are coming into this collective deception we call reality, culture, society and normality, the elders are letting it go. The youngest know intuitively that this reality is a distorted, condensed play out of the choices they made in the dream in between the spirit world and this world; the elders know that soon they will be transforming them-self most profoundly again in the transformation between this world and the next, in this in between state the some total of their life has the potential to both clear their perceptions of the spiritual realms and distort it, such choices that each of them will make will not just transform them but creation itself in some way, yet it will stay the same but they will not for it will determined their next existence.

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