Thursday, August 06, 2015

Coffee table

Her one room studio apartment is small, but it is crowded with her artful style, her humanity. By her bed that we sit on to watch TV there is her white coffee table. She makes these delicious complex meals, we eat on the high small coffee table while watching TV. She has black licorice jelly beans and many other candies set along the far edges of the side of the table away from the bed. . Emergency candy for her diabetes. I can’t resist it. She always keeps the table and the white rug under it so clean. So well kept. She is so vigilant with the table. It is so small but it is her domain, her control. She is so very generous with this small space and so very exacting My heart goes out to her and her tireless efforts on the small table that somehow symbolizes part of her life. Such boundless lovely energy balancing on such of a small space. Somehow she pulls it off. Except for a few well placed looks at times all is so very pleasant, nothing falls.

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