Friday, June 22, 2012

mistake familiar for normal

If you were emotional and or sexually abused as a child you are vulnerable to others with similar or the same issues as your abuser. As adults we all have lapses of judgment, but are feelings protect us, they warn us that something is wrong, but if you were abused you mistake familiar for normal. 

Your inner normal needs for heeling from the abuse, from the betrayal lead you at best to a real healer, at worse to re-expereince the abuse, a vain attempt to be free from it, to gain mastery over it. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Sometimes I just want to be, simply want share delight, free space, joy of naturally being, no **** heads in sight, just the pureness of life uninterrupted for a while by the bombardment of manipulative people pushing the **** of their or some companies' agenda on me. 

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Each of us is an unique interpretation of creation

Each of us is an unique interpretation of the kaleidoscope hologram of the infinite singularity.   The patterns of how we collectively perceived and interacted created the gods of the pantheon; the singularity itself is monotheism.    Escaping from the bondage of our reality is what Buddha and Christ are about.   The outside tangible universe is just one of an endless expressions of this.  Civilizations and societies attempt to create a matrix in time where by we could co-exist in.    But each of us are also expanding the boundaries of this starting point, we call reality.   Though marvelous in many ways, our civilizations, cultures and all of its tools, reflect what is most common, basic in all of us as beings.   We took shelter in this here as well as in other realms, we are learning to except, appreciate  , tolerate and exist in shared harmony, without depreciating our vitality and loosing the living connection to our  depths.